
学会这11大反问技巧 让你分分钟掌握面试主动权!

2018-08-22 15:19



  7. What do you enjoy most about working here?


  “First off, if the interviewer can’t answer this question, there should be sirens going off in your head that this might not be the greatest place to work. That said, most of the time, it allows an opportunity to get personal with the interviewer and allow them to talk about themselves for a change. This mutual exchange results in a stronger bond while allowing you to learn more about some of the great things the company has to offer.” ― Alex Benjamin, professional recruiter and owner of resume writing service Recruiter Written

  专业招聘人和简历写作服务网站Recruiter Written的所有人艾利克斯·本杰明认为:“首先,如果面试官答不上来,我的脑海中就会响起这样一种声音:这家公司恐怕不是最理想的工作地点。尽管如此,大多数时候,我们有机会和面试官进行个人对话,让他们聊聊自己的感受,这就是一种改变。通过互相交流,你们之间的纽带会更加紧密,你也可以了解这家公司的最佳之处是什么。”

  8. What are the most successful team members doing differently from the average team member?


  “If there is one thing that interviewees could do that would help them stand out from other candidates, it would be to be bold, speak with confidence and ask questions that hint you are a high performer who is looking to succeed with the company. This question shows drive to outperform mediocracy while also learning more about the expectations of the work required to achieve excellence in the position.” ― Emily LaRusch, CEO and founder of Back Office Betties

  Back Office Betties的创始人和首席执行官艾米丽·拉鲁什说:“如果某位面试者能够从所有候选人中脱颖而出,那么这位面试者一定勇气十足,言谈间充满自信,他提出的问题也暗示自己将会是一位表现优异的员工,希望和公司共同取得成功。这个问题表明面试者有不甘平庸的动力,同时对于该职位工作对优秀员工的要求也会有更多了解。”

  9. How will you know whether you hired the right person three months from now?


  “I love this question because as a job seeker, it gives you a clear idea of the hiring manager’s goals, expectations and objectives for you if you are hired. It also gives you a chance to pause and consider if the answer sounds like things you will enjoy. It can add a bit more clarity to the job and the results the company is hoping to achieve by filling this position.” ― Helen Godfrey, owner of career counseling service the Authentic Path

  职业生涯咨询服务公司the Authentic Path的所有人海伦·戈弗雷说:“我喜爱这个问题,面试者可以清楚地了解招聘经理对你入职后寄予的目标、期望和目的。面试者也可以暂时停下来,思考面试官的回答是否符合心中所想。面试者可以更清晰地了解应聘工作的情况,公司究竟希望招聘为这一岗位带来何种结果。”

  10. How would your co-workers describe your management style?


  “It’s important to ask about your potential manager’s leadership style but not just what they think about themselves. Asking what their peers and direct reports would say of their management style is key ― even better if they’re open to you talking to one of their direct reports about their leadership. A manager can make or break a job, so getting more context around the people you’ll be working with most closely will help in decision making.” ― Carly Kuper, senior vice president of public relations and corporate communications at CMI/Compas


  11. Can you show me around before we wrap up?


  “This question allows applicants to differentiate themselves at the end of their interviews by creating a unique experience with the interviewer that won’t be shared among other candidates. In fact, I can still recall my interview many years back with a candidate who asked me this very question. It breaks hiring managers out of their routines and forces them to leave the interview room and interact more naturally with the candidate.” ― Peter Yang, co-founder of ResumeGo



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