
学会这11大反问技巧 让你分分钟掌握面试主动权!

2018-08-22 15:19



  No matter how prepared you are, a job interview is a nerve-wracking experience. You have to answer a torrent of questions on the spot and sell yourself to a hiring manager — sometimes even a room full of strangers. And when it comes time for you to do the asking, will you be ready?


  These days, it’s pretty standard for an interviewer to conclude by asking if you have any questions about the job. And what you ask can make or break your chances.


  We talked to recruiters, hiring managers and people who landed jobs for the best questions to ask if you want to impress the interviewer and glean important information about your potential new gig.


  1. What made you choose my resume for an interview?


  “As someone who has been hiring interns and junior staff for the past 10 years, the most memorable question I had a candidate ask me was this one. It flipped the script on me because I was so used to asking ‘Why should we hire you?’ Instead, I had to tell her what I liked about her experience and application, which is absolutely great insight to receive during the interview process. It’s like getting free career advice.” ― Laura Meditz, vice president of Poston Communications

  Poston Communications公司的副总裁劳拉·麦德茨说:“在过去十年中,我一直负责招聘实习生和基础岗位职员。一次一位候选人向我提出了这个让我印象深刻的问题。这让我耳目一新,因为我习惯了问求职者:‘我们为什么要录用你?’与之相反,我不得不告诉她我究竟喜欢她工作经验和工作技能的哪些部分。这些都是在面试过程中吸取经验的绝佳机会。这就像接受免费职业指导一样。”

  2. What are the biggest challenges faced by your company/department today?


  “I like asking this question to get a real sense of what they feel is most needed in their business. It could be a specific skill, improved processes or just additional resources to handle workload. Answers to this question will help you understand what your job will entail and give you the opportunity to explain how you could tackle your employer’s biggest challenge. On the other hand, if their biggest struggle doesn’t match your skills or expectations, it could be a useful red flag before accepting a new job.” ― Daniel Buchuk, director of communications at Bringg


  3. What makes you different from your competitors?


  “When I applied for my current job, I asked questions about the company’s competitors and how they differentiated themselves. This is a good question to ask because companies want to see that you are diligent enough to do your homework in advance of the meeting and have a genuine interest in the field you are moving into.” ― Casey Hill, blogger at Musings of Entrepreneurship

  Musings of Entrepreneurship的博主凯西·希尔表示:“我在申请现在从事的工作时询问面试官公司与竞争对手相比有何不同。这是个很好的问题,因为公司乐于看到你足够勤奋地进行面试的准备工作,并且对即将从事的领域真正感兴趣。”

  4. Can you give me an example of how you live out the company values?


  “I like to find out what values the company promotes on their career page — passion, integrity, accountability, etc. — and I’ll ask the interviewer how they live one or more of those values, especially as a manager. If the interviewer is dumbfounded, it typically shows that the values are nothing more than empty messaging. If they can answer the question, it shows the company believes in and instills its values in employees and the interviewer is probably a thoughtful manager.” ― Jennifer Bewley of Get Uncuffed

  来自Get Uncuffed的詹妮弗·比尤利认为:“我希望得到的答案是公司在职业生涯页面宣传的诸如激情、正直、尽责等价值观,我还会询问面试官他们是如何实践其中一种或几种价值观的,尤其是作为一名经理的做法。如果面试官呆立当场,那么证明这些价值观不过只是随口说说罢了。如果面试官能够回答这些问题,说明这家公司确实拥有这些信仰,而且这些信仰也灌输给了公司员工,面试官也绝非浑浑噩噩之辈。”

  5. What is your training program like?


  “I have found that reputable companies will answer this question by saying that the training period is as long as a new employee needs. Training that is rushed or fast-tracked to meet a quota or deadline isn’t an effective way to find reputable and reliable employees. Any new job comes with a learning curve; a good company will offer thorough training and help employees to obtain all the skills they need to be successful in the company.” ― Carlee Linden, writer for Best Company

  Best Company的撰稿人卡莉·林登表示:“我发现,有名望的公司总是这样作答:培训期的长短要根据新人需要确定。如果培训杂乱无章,或只是为了应付指标考核和截止日期,那么如果公司希望找到信誉良好又做事可靠的员工,这种方法难以奏效。新员工总会经历学习曲线,一家好公司会提供完善的培训,帮助新员工掌握在新公司成功开展工作的技能。”

  6. What recent diversity hiring and promotion efforts are you most excited about?


  “As a woman of color who is also very keen on advancing in her career, I often ask questions that would give me an insight into the company’s diversity efforts. I also almost always follow this question by requesting a tour of the office. You’d be surprised what you can glean just by walking around. It gives me an insight into whether their response is canned or truly embodied by the organization.” ― Stella Odogwu, founder and CEO of Intelle Coaching Solutions

  Intelle Coaching Solutions的创始人和首席执行官斯黛拉·欧多格乌说:“我是一名有色人种女性,同时也热切盼望在自己的职业生涯中有所进步,我经常提出这个问题来判断公司在种族多样化方面是否付出了努力。提出这个问题之后,我几乎总会要求参观公司的办公室。在办公室中走动所搜集到的信息简直让人难以想象。我能够从中判断面试官的回答属于随意敷衍还是确有其事。”


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