

2017-11-27 11:37



  An animated series centered on DC Comics character Harley Quinn in the works at Warner Bros, according to reports. Deadline say DC Entertainment have ordered 26 episodes and while Harley has not been cast, bosses are apparently hoping Margot Robbie will agree to play the unhinged character once more.

  据报道,华纳兄弟将开拍有关DC漫画角色小丑女(Harley Quinn)的系列剧集,预计26集。虽然小丑女一角由谁出演尚未确定,但DC漫画公司希望玛格特·罗比(Margot Robbie)能再次出演这个疯狂的角色。

  The series will follow Harley after she breaks free from her on-off squeeze The Joker and tries to become top dog among Gotham's criminals.

  这部剧将讲述小丑女和小丑(The Joker)结束分分合合恋情后的故事,小丑女将在高谭市各式罪案中努力拔得头筹。

  Robbie brought Harley to the big screen last year in Suicide Squad, which brought together the villains from DC Comics and tried to make them heroes. Will Smith, Viola Davis and Jared Leto also starred. A sequel has been slated for release in 2019.

  去年电影《自杀小队》(Suicide Squad)上映时,小丑女由罗比饰演,电影集齐了DC漫画中的所有反派,也试图让这些角色一炮而红。威尔·史密斯(Will Smith)、维奥拉·戴维斯(Viola Davis) 、杰瑞德·莱托(Jared Leto)都参演了电影。续集预计将于2019年放映。

  Last year it was reported that Robbie and Suicide Squad director David Ayer would be teaming up again for an all-female DC villains movie called Gotham City Sirens. Sirens was a comic book series based around some of Batman's lady enemies such as Harley, Poison Ivy and Catwoman.

  据去年报道,罗比将再次和《自杀小队》导演大卫·艾亚(David Ayer)合作,出演《高谭魅影》(Gotham City Sirens),一部全是DC女反派的电影。《高谭魅影》属于漫画系列之一,主要讲述蝙蝠侠的女性敌人——小丑女、毒藤女、猫女(Catwoman)的故事。



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