

2017-08-23 14:09



  Netflix's The Crown is a gorgeous and unfiltered look at the British royal family and their extremely dramatic lives, and everyone seems to operate under the assumption that Queen Elizabeth and her loved ones have zero interest in watching it.

  奈飞新剧《皇冠》(The Crown)制作精良,忠实反映了英国皇室家族非同一般的生活。人人都说,女王伊丽莎白二世和其他皇室成员绝不可能收看《皇冠》。

  "The reality for all of us is that we don't think they're going to watch it, really," Claire Foy told MarieClaire.com during Season One. "The chances are very, very slim. You can't really think about it,because it would make your job very difficult."

  《皇冠》第一季播出时,克莱尔·福伊(Claire Foy)告诉《嘉人》(MarieClaire):“没人觉得英国皇室会看这个,真的,可能性太小了。这事儿简直不能想,一想这事儿我都没法演了。”(注:Claire Foy是《皇冠》女主角)

  The thing is, it seems like the royals are watching. Well, maybe not The Queen, but Princess Eugenie is in. "It is filmed beautifully," she said during a recent interview. "The music is wonderful, the story is beautiful. You feel very proud to watch it. I can't speak for everyone, but that's how I felt when I watched it."


  While parsing through this sentence, it's hard to know whether "I can't speak for everyone" means Eugenie can't speak for everyone who's *watched* The Crown (meaning, more than one royal has), or she can't speak as to whether anyone else has even tuned in. Either way, the possibility that the royals are having Crown viewing parties is too wonderful to handle.




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