

2017-04-13 14:12



  The first trailer for Thor: Ragnarok opens not with a bang, but with a wink: the Norse god of thunder in chains, cracking wise.


  “I know what you’re thinking,” he deadpans in the voiceover. “How did this happen?” Thor might be smart, but in this case he’s wrong.


  What you’re actually thinking is: Is that a joke? In a Thor movie? Followed closely by Wait, is that Zeppelin?!


  The answer to these questions—because this is Marvel, and Marvel can turn Ant-Man into a juggernaut—is an emphatic “yes.”


  Yes, the Ragnarok trailer begins with the churning riff of Led Zeppelin’s “Immigrant Song.” While the classic rock anthem functions as a punchline of sorts, with its Thor-adjacent lyrics about “the hammer of the gods,” though, it also calls back to something far bigger.


  Even though the first Thor was one of the earliest installments in the Marvel Cinematic Universe—and the one that introduced audiences to Marvel’s non-Earthbound heroes—his standalone movies have always been the least vital. He doesn’t have the political intrigue of Captain America or the swagger of Iron Man. He’s just this preternaturally handsome god, you know? This trailer gives him a whole new look to go along with Heimdahl (Idris Elba) and fan-favorite Loki (Tom Hiddleston). Not only does Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) make a surprise appearance, but we get our first looks at Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson) and Hela (Cate Blanchett), the MCU’s first female primary villain.


  Marvel has clearly included something that the Thor movies have traditionally lacked: fun. Sure, the movies had laugh lines here and there, but by the time The Dark World came around in 2013, things had gotten a little self-serious. For Ragnarok, Thor seems to be heading to quirky-town, particularly when it comes to the trailer’s crescendo, a gladiator face-off with Hulk that prompts the Norse god to hoot, “We know each other! He’s a friend from work!” That move—upending an exceptional situation with day-to-day banality—is one of director Taika Waititi’s greatest strengths, and shows exactly what Marvel was thinking when it hired the guy behind vampire mockumentary What We Do in the Shadows.

  显然,漫威在新电影中增添了雷神系列向来缺少的东西:乐趣。当然,雷神电影中到处都是笑料,但在2013年推出《雷神2:黑暗世界》之前,电影本身还是有点严肃的。在《雷神3:诸神黄昏》中,雷神托尔似乎去了一个古怪的小镇,特别是在预告片的高潮,一个角斗士与绿巨人对峙,促使雷神大喊,“我们相互认识!他是我工作上的朋友!” 那一举动用日常的陈词滥调为一个特殊的局面带来了反转,这是泰卡·怀蒂蒂导演的强项之一,也恰好表明漫威在聘请《吸血鬼生活》这部吸血鬼纪录片的幕后之人的时候在想什么。

  Marvel is a well-oiled machine. And now, it has finally become self-aware. It knows what you want, and it’s no longer holding back on delivering it.




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