2017-02-21 15:58
用心 Dedication
Q1: Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
A1: Yes, I do. But my work is very important to me, so I make sure nothing interferes with it. I put 100% of my effort into my work, so my relationship won’t affect my work performance.
Q2: Do you plan to have children?
A2: Currently I don’t have a plan for that. But if I do decide to have children, I wouldn’t let it affect my work. Becoming a parent is important, but my careeris certainly very important to me, too. I plan on putting all of my effort into this job and this company.
Q3: Do you have any children?
A3: Yes, I do. But I keep my family life separate from my work life so that I can put all my effort into my job. I’m flexible when it comes to travel and late hours.
性格 Character
Q: What’s your favorite animal?/If you could choose to be an animal, what animal would you want to be?
A1: I would say I like wolves (狼) a lot because they are smart and cautious. Moreover, they have keen perception and are good at searching for food.
A2: I’m very fond of koalas (考拉) . They are very friendly to human beings. Besides, they seem to be gentle, cooperative and respectful when staying with human beings.
A3: I love tigers (老虎). They are fast and powerful, and they have a particularly acutevisual sense. When searching for food, they are decisive, persistent and independent.
Do you think how many people around the world took a flight last year?你觉得去年全世界有多少人乘坐了飞机?
If your line director and former line director were fighting on the street, whom would you support?当你现在的顶头上司和前任顶头上司在街上打架,你会帮谁?
You are having dinner with a beautiful female or handsome male client, when your spouse calls you. Will you invite your spouse to join you? 当你和一位漂亮的女性客户或潇洒的男性客户用晚餐时,你的配偶突然打电话给你,你会邀请配偶和你们一起用晚餐吗?
Suppose that you take one of your clients to dinner. When ordering food, he or she hasordered many expensive dishes, which cost more than you can pay with the money from the company. What will you do? 当你请一位客户吃饭时,客户点菜时偏挑贵的点,价格超过了公司给你的预算,这时你会怎么办。