

2017-02-21 15:58



  在面试中,HR除了要问些你有啥优缺点、会哪些技能、有啥职业规划等常规问题之外,还可能问及一些令人措手不及、意想不到的问题,譬如“Why have you changed jobs so frequently?”“Don’t you think you are overqualified?”等。



  信心 Confidence

  Q1: As we have many candidates for this position, we will consider your application after you’ve worked a three-month unpaid trial period. What do you think?

  A1:I’m afraid I can’t work unpaid for that long. If you give me a chance to work for you, I’m sure that my work and experience would bring benefit to your company. If I could contribute to the company, then I should naturally be compensated for my work.

  Q2: If this were your first annual review with our company, what would I be telling you right now?

  A2: You’d be thanking me for a job well done and would say that you look forward to continuing to see good work from me. Moreover, I would anticipate that you would explain how you really appreciated my spending extra time on some key projects.



  雄心 Ambition  

  Q1: How many years would you need to make RMB100,000?

  A1: I think I can make this money within one year. If you offer me this job, first I will set a relatively high sale starget, based on which I will make a sales plan. Then I will apply myself to the plan so that I can achieve or even exceed my sales target. With the annual profit, I will also be rewarded with a certain amount of money, which I think won’t be less than RMB100,000.

  Q2: Why did you stay in your last job so long?

  A2: I was in my last job over seven years. During that time, I completed an advanced technical degree and was assigned to other departments twice in six months. As a result, I learned additional skills that are normally not related to that particular job.



  在回答第二个问 题时,应聘者应当说明自己多年未更换工作的原因并非是安于现状,不愿意接受新事物或学习新知识,而是因为这些年一直都在学习、进步,并一直在承担新的、具有挑战性的工作。在回答此类问题时,应聘者应该着重强调自己积极上进,善于学习,并且具有雄心壮志的一面。

  忠心 Loyalty

  Q1: Why have you changed jobs so frequently?

  A1: My frequent job changes over the last five years have been due to the rapid changes in my profession. My jobs have been based on government contracts, and over the past few years there have been changes in the government policies,which caused some companies’ contracts to be canceled. Because of this, I hadto quit several times. Because your business is based mostly on consumer products, and not on government contracts, I welcome the opportunity to work in a stable setting like yours.

  Q2: What would you do if one of our competitors offered your position?

  A2: I’d say no. I’m not interested in other players in this industry. I like your brand of shoes a lot because of their superior quality and unique design.Actually, I won a number of races wearing them in college. Because of my positive experience with your products, I know I’d be good at selling them to customers.

  Q3: How long would you plan to stay with our company?

  A3: Well, that’s hard to answer. If I got this position, I’d say I would stay in this company as long as my work and effort are still valuable to the company and improving to myself.





  细心 Carefulness

  Q: How careful are you?

  A: I’m very careful and detail-oriented. I’d like to give you an example. Once, I spent a whole night checking a sixty-slide PPT for a very important school project. I readit again and again until I couldn’t find any typos and grammar mistakes in it. Later I found that I had read it at least twenty times. The PPT was flawless, which helped the school win the project.





  • 听力
  • 口语
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  • 娱乐
  • 词汇
  • 写作


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