

2016-12-16 14:15



  5. Blaming others for mistakes.

  5. 责备别人的错误

  People with low emotional intelligence have little insight into how their ownemotions might lead to problems. When things go wrong, their first instinct is to blame others. They often blame characteristics of the situation or the behaviors of other people for their actions. They might suggest that they had no other choice for what they did and that other people are simply not understanding their situation. This tendency to not take responsibility often leaves them feeling bitter and victimized.


  6. An inability to cope with emotionally-charged situations.

  6. 无法应对情绪化的场景

  Strong emotions, whether their own or those of others, are difficult to comprehend for those with low emotional intelligence. These individuals will often walk away from such situations to avoid having to deal with the emotional fallout. Hiding their true emotions from others is also very common.


  7. Sudden emotional outbursts.

  7. 突然的情绪爆发

  The ability to regulate emotions is one of the five critical components of emotional intelligence. People with low EQ often struggle to understand and control their emotions. They might have unexpected emotional outbursts that seem overblown and uncontrollable.


  8. Difficulty maintaining friendships.

  8. 很难保持一段友谊

  Because low IQ people often come off as abrasive and unfeeling, they have difficulty maintaining friendships. Close friendships require a mutual give-and-take, sharing of emotions, compassion, and emotional support, all of which low EQ individuals struggle with.


  9. Lack of empathy.

  9. 缺乏同情心

  Because people with low emotional intelligence do not understand the emotions of others, they experience little empathy for other people. They do not get what others are feeling, so it is impossible for them to place themselves in another person’s shoes.


  Poor emotional intelligence can wreak havoc in multiple areas of a person’s life. School, work, family, friendships, and romantic relationships are just a few areas where a person with low EQ will encounter major problems. If you think that your emotional skills could use a little work, start by learning more about the five major components of emotional intelligence.




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