

2016-11-23 14:18






  1. 谈判前应尽可能掌握对方的基本情况、经营策略。正所谓知己知彼才能百战不殆。

  掌握的情况应包括export terms(出口情况),unit price(单价),terms of payment (付款方式),credit reference(资信证明),market acceptance(市场销量),price of the sameproduct(同类商品的价格)等等。此外还应使用礼貌、正式的语言和措词,树立专业形象。努力创造和谐的交流气氛,善于倾听、分析和判断,要知道如何适当地反击对方。

  C: I'd like to get the ball rolling by talking about the price.

  M: I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have.

  C: Your products are great in every way. But I am a little worried about the price you are asking.

  M: You think we will be asking for more?

  这里get the ball rolling相当于start the negotiation,这几句话实际上就营造了谈判的气氛,接下来的谈判必然是围绕价格进行的了。

  2. 要灵活使用讨价还价的技巧,不要接受首次报价或者还价,要意识到大多数公司的产品和服务中包含高额利润。应分清主次,进退有度,以大局为重,不要因计较微小的得失而失去大买卖;谈判陷入僵局时,可以暂时搁置重要议题,先就较小议题达成协议来推动谈判的继续进行。

  C: That's not exactly what I had in mind. I'd like 25% discount.

  M: That seems to be a little high. I don't know how we can make profits with those numbers.

  C: Well, if we promise future business-volume sales, that will lower the costs for making products, right ?

  M: Yes, but it's hard to see how you can order such large orders. We'd like a guarantee of future business not just a promise.

  C: We said we wanted 2000 pieces over 6 months period with guarantee.

  M: I'd like that to be on paper, which will be a good reason for further discussion.

  promise future business实际上就是个favorable term(有利的条件),通过提出这个条件客户成功地劝说了制造商降价。但是制造商也不是那么好骗的,他要求客户承诺固定的大量的订单,同时还要求paper guarantee(书面保证),毕竟口头承诺是随意的,有风险的。

  3. 把握好坚持和让步的火候,明确自己的交易原则和底线价格,但必要时可以进行适当的concession(让步),让对方有一定的成就感,顺利签下合同。

  C: What exactly do you propose ?

  M: I propose a reduction of 4%.

  C: Let's both make a further concession-6%.

  M: But I'm afraid 5% is our rock bottom price.

  C: Good. Then 5% it is.

  4. 在制造商提出他的rock bottom price(底价)后,谈判的另一方再次做出了让步,从而conclude a deal(达成了协议)。

  M: Here are our price lists. The quotations are all in US dollars net FOB. I'm sure you will find we have the most competitive prices.

  C: But I find that these prices are higher than the ones you quoted a few months ago.

  M: That's true. But I'm sure you realize that the costs of raw material have gone up considerably nowadays. Compared with the prices offered by other firms, ours are still favorable.

  5. 商谈价格时也应注意几种不同的terms of payment(付款方式),包括信用证(Letter of Credit,简称L/C);汇付,主要包括电汇(Telegraphic Transfer,简称T/T)、信汇(Mail Transfer,简称M/T)和票汇(Demand Draft,简称D/D)三种;托收(Collection),主要包括付款交单(Documents against Payment,简称D/P)和承兑交单(Documents against Acceptance,简称D/A)两种。

  6. 最后,如果双方的谈判没有达成共识,也不应该表现出急躁或不满;要礼貌地向对方表示感谢;向对方重申自己的立场,微笑着离开。


  在party(晚会,社交性宴会),at-home party(家庭宴会),tea party(茶会),fancy ball(化装舞会)这些娱乐性较强的会议上,大家一般可以随心所欲地enjoy oneself,不用太过拘泥于礼节和规矩。国外甚至还非常流行pajama party(睡衣派对),在派对上大家会玩一些轻松的小游戏,穿上符合主题的睡衣。

  而一些公司的general meeting, general assembly(会员大会),symposium,seminar可能是最让人头疼的了,会议似乎就是个充斥着各种空话的场合。但是会议上所用到的词汇也最固定,最有规律可循。掌握了一些核心的词汇,其实谁都可以去联合国大会上作keynote speech(主题演讲)。


  I call this meeting to order. Thank you all in attendance today. I know it's a busy day for you all. We have a lot of material to cover today. Did everyone get an agenda? Also, may I suggest something? I know we have many points to review today, but would it be possibleto limit our meeting time to finish before 4:00? Many of us still have a mountain of work to do before the day's end. We should be able to finish everything up before then.

  宣布开会即Call this meeting to order,也可以说declare the meeting open,不过这一般用在比较正式的会议上,如果只是公司内部开的小会就没必要这么"装腔作势"了。也可以采用半正式的说法Perhaps we'd better get started/down to business或All right, I think it's about time we get started/going. 较口语的说法有Let's begin/get going或Shall we start?

  I know it's a busy day for you all.开会对大多数人来说都是件不情愿的事,所以还是说几句话安抚一下民心吧,Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule.(感谢你们拨冗而来。)更是提升了这句话的档次。

  如果有其他重要来宾的到来,也应该在开场时表示欢迎。It is my great pleasure to welcome.../ I want to thank...for being here. 开场的客套话结束,开始言归正传,陈述会议重点。首先可以说一句概括的话引起大家的注意,如let's run through the major points first(让我们先浏览一下要点),our conference is mainly dealing with...Our focus is on...(会议的重点是……)

  The first matter of business is to approve the minutes of our last meeting. I propose we accept the minutes. Now, next on our agendais our budget review. Margaret, can you please fill us in on where the budget review stands?

  可以用the first matter, next on our agenda, next we are going to discuss这些承接词来使整个会议有序的召开。为避免会议变成一个人的独角戏,可以邀请员工发表意见,甚至express one's views fully and freely(畅所欲言)来实现exchange of idea and information,让会议变得不那么枯燥。这里fill somebody in是告知某人某事的意思。

  Any objections? No? If there is no objections, then our modifications to the agenda have been approved unanimously. We will proceed according to the amendments we've just made.

  多问"Any objections, do all people agree?"这些问题也使得会议更加民主。approved unanimously是全体一致同意的意思,proceed表示continue discussing。

  最后到了总结会议内容的时候了,会议的主持人可以再次感谢大家的到场,说明会议fulfill the great part of the agenda(完成了议程的大部分),取得了一些achievements和fruitful results。如果是动员大会,最后一定还要再boost the employee's morale(振奋员工士气),号召大家make joint efforts to achieve further progress(携手努力再创辉煌)。


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