

2016-10-28 14:06




  Seaon 4 of Emmy-winning BBC One/Masterpiece drama — and worldwide phenom — Sherlock has been set for a day-and-date debut in the U.S. and UK on January 1, 2017. The first episode, titled The Six Thatchers, will see the reunion of Benedict Cumberbatch as the eponymous high-functioning sociopath and Martin Freeman as his sidekick Dr John Watson.

  BBC One频道的全世界风靡的第四季荣获艾美奖杰出剧作奖的《神探夏洛克》将于2017年1月1日英美同时播出!首集标题《六座撒切尔夫人像》,将会看到本尼迪克特康伯巴奇作为高智商的反社会人士回归,还有马丁弗里曼,夏洛克的死党花生。

  As with previous seasons, Sherlock the 4th will be comprised of three new episodes which promise “laughter, tears, shocks, surprises and extraordinary cases,” the networks said in announcing the start of shooting last April.


  Cumberbatch then made headlines for a GQ interview in which he said this season “might be the end of an era,” but added, “I’d love to revisit it, I’d love to keep revisiting it, I stand by that, but in the immediate future we all have things that we want to crack on with and we’ve made something very complete as it is, so I think we’ll just wait and see. The idea of never playing (Sherlock) again is really galling.”




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