2016-04-22 09:35
演员Gwyneth Paltrow,在钢铁侠三部曲和复仇者联盟中扮演小辣椒的这位,错过了奥创纪元之后,谣传会出现在内战中,但是似乎事实不是这样
按照TheWrap所说,已经确定 Paltrow会在影片的最后剪辑中缺席,她的缺席会和钢铁侠3有内在的联系。
With press and fan screenings already underway, it's no surprise that somebody would notice a reported cast member missing among the Captain America: Civil War action.
That would be Gwyneth Paltrow, who played Pepper Potts in the Iron Man trilogy and Marvel's The Avengers. After having missed out on Avengers: Age of Ultron, wasrumored to be involved in Civil War, but it turns out that's not actually the case.
According to TheWrap, who confirmed Paltrow's absence in the film's final cut, there's an in-story reason for her absence tied to Iron Man 3.