

2016-03-04 09:48







  《卡特特工》也是一个关于女性主义的系列,并且在这个方面才初有展现。当《卡特特工》刚开始播出的时候,它是漫威影视宇宙当中唯一的一部以女性为主的项目。不过万幸的是,杰西卡·琼斯(Krysten Ritter饰演)也加入了Peggy Carter(Hayley Atwell饰演)打打杀杀的女汉子行列,不过如果《卡特特工》抗不住而被砍了,那么一直到2019年的《惊奇队长》出现为止,漫威影视宇宙都只剩下了杰西卡这一位独担大任的主要超级女英雄了。这对漫威来说不仅仅是面子上不大好看,在《卡特特工》对40年代,甚至一定程度上当代中除了白皮肤的直男之外,独立女性的生存方式进行进一步的探索之前就将它取消也是一个非常不明智的做法。

  除了它以女性为主的主题之外,Peggy Carter的生活中也还有很多非常有趣的值得我们去继续探索的事情:比如对九头蛇的介绍,将来神盾局的建立,她在冷战当中可能扮演的角色,更不用说她与Sousa(Enver Gjokaj饰演)和不知生死的Jack Thompson(Chad Michael Murray饰演)两人之间剪不断理还乱的感情了。这些都是我需要关注的点,并且我有充分的理由相信《卡特特工》必将会向一个让人意想不到和极其振奋的方向发展下去。因为不像其他的很多漫画系列一样,《卡特特工》的重点非常的明确。它并没有各种延伸而出的神话传奇,也不需要为其他元素进行铺垫或塑造。相反的,《卡特特工》只是非常踏实地在一个没有那么多大坑小坑的世界里一步一步以丰满的人物形象向我们展示逻辑性较强的故事。

  而且《卡特特工》对自己也总是有一种默默的自信心,它并没有为了取悦观众就加入一些能够赚取人气的元素。它独具风格的直接叙事手段也许就是我们被Peggy,Jarvis(James D’Arcy饰演)和Sousa这几个充分展现的角色所吸引的原因,也许也就是这部剧走出了一贯的超级英雄富余的空洞套路,从而演化成一部备受喜爱,仍旧好评不断的剧集的原因。

  即使最后ABC台没有意识到《卡特特工》存在的价值而将其砍去,我们心里都是清楚它的优秀的,就像Peggy Carter自己所言一样,我知道自己的价值,其他任何人的意见都不重要。


  Agent Carter is one of the best shows on television, but you wouldn't know it from the ratings. Last week's two-hour block boasted a meager 2.5 million viewers and a 0.7 in adults 18-49. Meaning: The best thing we can say about Agent Carter's ratings is that it's approximately double what the Mulaney finale managed this time last year.

  But unlike Mulaney, Agent Carter deserves better. It's a uniquely charming series that blends the best parts of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, spy procedurals, period pieces and caper comedies into a single show that's unlike anything else out there. This season alone, Agent Carter has managed to include everything from a deadly interdimensional energy substance, nuanced explorations of the ways women cope with systemic oppression, slapstick flamingo jokes and a charming old Hollywood song-and-dance number. Oh, and did I mention how gorgeous the execution of the series' 1940s setting is? I've never wanted a wide-legged pantsuit so badly in my life!

  Agent Carter is also an unapologetically feminist series that's only beginning to scratch the surface of its own potential. When Agent Carter premiered, it was the sole project within the MCU headlined by a woman. Thankfully, Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter) has now joined Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) in that minuscule club, but if Carter gets canceled, Marvel will once again be left with only one woman standing until 2019, when Captain Marvel premieres. Not only is that a bad look for Marvel, but it would be a shame to shut down Agent Carter before it can further its exploration of what it means to be anything other than a straight, white man in the '40s and - to an extent - today.

  Far beyond its feminist themes, there are so many other interesting things left to explore in Peggy Carter's life: the introduction of Hydra, the founding of S.H.I.E.L.D., her role in the Cold War - not to mention her developing romance with Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) and whoever shot (!!!) and maybe killed (!!!) Jack Thompson (Chad Michael Murray). These are threads I need picked up and ones I have full faith Agent Carter would take in unexpected and exhilarating directions. That's because unlike many comic book series,Agent Carter is extremely focused. There's no sprawling mythology or constant need to mold itself around tie-ins for other properties. Instead, Agent Carter tells precise stories about well-developed characters in a world where nothing is introduced without a reason.

  There is a quiet confidence to Agent Carter. It knows exactly what it is and has never tried to be anything else simply to court viewers. Its narrative integrity is likely why we've seen the last of Peggy, Jarvis (James D'Arcy) and Sousa, but also why the show will at least go out as a beloved, critically acclaimed darling and not a hollow, superhero-filled remnant of what it once was.

  And even if ABC doesn't recognize Agent Carter's worth, we know its value and - as Peggy said - anyone else's opinion doesn't really matter.



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