

2015-12-21 14:08


作者:Jane Ciabattari


  10. Vanity Fair (William Makepeace Thackeray, 1848)

  10. 威廉·梅克皮斯·萨克雷《名利场》,1848年出版

  This novel features probably the greatest anti-heroine in English literature, Becky Sharp, and a plot that revolves around class, social climbing and a financial crisis that will seem eerily familiar to modern readers.Vanity Fair has it all. It both speaks of its time, and speaks of all times.

  这部小说的主角或许就是英国文学史上最知名的非正统派女主角——贝奇·夏普,小说的情节围绕阶级、社会、跻身上流社会以及现代读者听来又熟悉又害怕的金融危机。《名利场》这些要素全都具备, 讲述那个年代,也讲述着每一个年代。

  9. Frankenstein (Mary Shelley, 1818)

  9. 玛莉·雪莱《科学怪人》,1818年出版

  This pioneering work of science fiction and Gothic horror developed an indelible 'monster' of a theme that has endured for centuries: of the scientist as a “modern Prometheus”.


  8. David Copperfield (Charles Dickens, 1850)

  8. 查尔斯·狄更斯《大卫·科波菲尔》,1850年出版

  David Copperfield is populated by some of the most vivid characters ever created. They are as much a part of readers' world, and their way of thinking about the world, as people they have actually met.


  7. Wuthering Heights (Emily Brontë, 1847)

  7. 艾米莉·勃朗特《呼啸山庄》,1847年出版

  Wuthering Heights is “powered by more psychological energy than any book ever written”.Readers admire Wuthering Heights because of “its layered narrative structure, because it is a work of incredible imagination, and because it is far more than a love story. The story shows ‘the eternal rocks beneath’ our fleeting desires.


  6. Bleak House (Charles Dickens, 1853)

  6. 查尔斯·狄更斯《荒凉之屋》,1853年出版

  Bleak House is among Dickens novels, uniquely original in its alternation of first-person past-tense chapters with a concurrent third-person account in present tense.



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