2015-12-02 10:54
如果你只是像奥巴马总统那样作为一个《权力的游戏》普通级衣柜(《权力的游戏》影迷昵称),你很可能并不会对奥赛尔‧亚威克(Othell Yarwyck)有太多印象。事实上他参演了该剧四季的演出,只是没有太多台词。(再加上他的名字真的很难记#_#..) 奥赛尔是守夜人军团(Night’s Watch)的首位创立者,所以他和琼恩·雪诺都手握重权。在第5季第3集中,他和琼恩并排坐在黑城堡(Castle Black)里:
即使你依然没有想起他是谁,那你也肯定会对他在第5季季终集中的所作所为印象深刻,因为他正是守夜人军团中背叛并且置之死地刺杀了琼恩那席人当中的一员,并且就是他给琼恩带来了最为致命的一击[yc1] 。由于是第二个用匕首刺向琼恩的人,因此在杀琼恩的情节中他是很重要的参与者。 是带有置之死地的捅他
饰演亚威克的爱尔兰演员布莱恩·福琼(Brian Fortune)在本周接受了爱尔兰杂志Newstalk的专访,谈起那个令人揪心的场景的拍摄体验(也许他认为,在第6季官方海报全然承认了雪诺还活着并将继续奋战后,这样做再不会冒着泄密的风险了)。福琼表示他对成为刺杀雪诺团中的一员感觉良好。多么骇人!(这什么嗜好啊…)
“在刺杀一幕刚刚播出的那段时间里,我常常受到人们言语上的攻击,甚至一些女性影迷也会因为一些无关痛痒的事骂我是个混蛋", 福琼说。
If you're anything like Barack Obama as a "Game of Thrones" fan -- or, really, any kind of "Game of Thrones" fan other than a true diehard -- you probably don't remember the name Othell Yarwyck. He's actually made appearances in four seasons of the show, but he hasn't had that many lines. (And, yes, it's hard to keep the names straight.) He's the First Builder in the Night's Watch, so he's right up there in leadership with Jon Snow. Here he is sitting in Castle Black next to Snow in Season 5, Episode 3:
Even if your recollection of the character remains dim, you surely remember something he did in the Season 5 finale. He was one of the Night's Watch brothers who betrayed and stabbed Snow, apparently killing him. He was actually the second person to plunge his knife into Snow's chest, so he was pretty integral to the plot.
Brian Fortune, the Irish actor who plays Yarwyck, spoke with Ireland's Newstalk this week about the experience of filming that heart-wrenching scene. (Maybe he thought it was safe to emerge now that set leaks and the official poster for Season 6 have all but confirmed the theory that Snow will live to fight another day.) Fortune said that it felt "pretty good" to be one of Snow's killers. How macabre!
"It's not every day you're shooting a historic scene in probably the biggest TV show ever," he explained, "And of course the reaction to Jon Snow's death was phenomenal!"
As fun as it was for him, though, Fortune said he's gotten some negative reactions from fans since the momentous episode.
"When the scene was fresh in people's minds a couple of guys gave me a bit of a hard time verbally and I was called a bastard among other things by some ladies," he said. "Pretty tame stuff."
Fortune, who admitted he's never read George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice And Fire books, also said that the big scene was the only plot point he's ever revealed to a civilian before the show aired.
"I cracked and told my wife Polly ... and that was the worst thing I could have possibly done because I was afraid she might let it slip," Fortune said. "It was an absolute nightmare waiting for the episode to be screened."
Fortune seems to have learned this lesson well. Asked about the rumors that Jon Snow would return in the next season, he feigned total ignorance.
"What?" he responded. "Jon Snow is on the Season 6 poster? He's still alive? News to me!"
The Newstalk writer noted that Fortune laughed at this point. So, you know, interpret that as you will.
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