2015-10-08 09:28
Annie Wersching as Lily and Jaiden Kaine as Heretic Beau(莉莉和异教徒男友)
1.Lily’s agenda is revealed… and it really was peace. It was tough to trust her claims last season
that she wanted to reunite with her Heretic family so they could all live a tame life together, but
she actually meant it. “Now that she has them, it would be really great if she could get her sons
to get along with them and vice versa. But of course that’s not going to happen because the
heretics are intrinsically bad people, so they become instant foes,” Dries says. “Lily’s real drama
will be about trying to find a balance between her two families and decide who she’s more loyal
to if she were to have to pick a side. She’s actually one of our most complicated characters
because she means well, but she surrounds herself with pretty intense, crazy people.”
1,莉莉的日程之透露篇… 首先它是很和平的,虽然很难让人相信她上一季断言自己想与异教徒家庭,重聚并过着
平淡的生活,但她确实是这个意思.” 现在她拥有了,真的是件好事如果她可以让她儿子与他们一起和平相处,
反之也一样.但是这是不可能的事.因为异教徒被这部片设定为坏人,所以他们马上会成为敌人.” 德赖斯说到.
Elizabeth Blackmore as Heretic Valerie, with Wersching(异教徒伊丽莎白布莱克摩和沃斯奇)