2015-09-17 11:25
9月,以卖萌为生的小黄人除了霸占大屏幕之外,还拿下了著名的色彩权威机构潘通公司(Pantone)的一块色卡。今年,潘通公司联合环球电影及照明娱乐公司发布了一个新颜色——小黄人黄(Minion Yellow)。
小黄人黄不仅是Pantone近三年第一次发布的新颜色,也是该公司首次从好莱坞电影为灵感推出的颜色。而这个“第一次”的实现要多谢刚刚和阿迪达斯推出了彩虹系列板鞋的美国歌手法瑞尔·威廉姆斯(Pharrell Williams)。曾经为《神偷奶爸》(小黄人系列电影之一)献唱主题曲《Happy》的法瑞尔·威廉姆斯向潘通公司建议,小黄人的肤色其实很适合作为一种新的颜色进行大规模的推广。
随即潘通公司对威廉姆斯的建议进行了大量市场调研,研究颜色如何影响人类思维、情感,以及身体的反应。结果显示,消费者希望增添更多能够给他们带来活力的色彩。在调研了色泽范围后,潘通公司认为小黄人黄是个外向型的色调,充满着趣味性、好奇心、启发性,比柠檬黄浅一些,却仍然有一定饱和度的颜色正好能够让人感到愉悦。潘通公司的执行董事Leatrice Eiseman对外表示:“就像太阳光芒给人以活力一般,小黄人黄就是这样一个充满希望、喜悦的颜色,可以激发人的创意、智能以及象征着更加开放的思想”。
They're undoubtedly evil, based on their willingness -- nay, their need -- to serve the mostdastardly villain in the world. Yet the bespectacled, bright yellow "Despicable Me" Minions seemsomehow innocent and loveable.
Apparently the Pantone Color Institute -- the company that defines and standardises colours fordesign industries worldwide -- thought so too, having created and named its first new colour inthree years after the little guys, which will star in their own spin-off film, "Minions," due to hitcinemas on July 10.
"Just as the sun's rays enliven us, Pantone Minion Yellow is a colour that heightens awareness andcreates clarity, lighting the way to the intelligence, originality and the resourcefulness of an openmind -- this is the colour of hope, joy and optimism," Pantone Color Institute executive directorLeatrice Eiseman said.
The original idea came from musician Pharrell Williams, who worked on the soundtrack for"Despicable Me" and "Despicable Me 2." Meanwhile, the Pantone Color Institute -- the company'sresearch arm -- was interested in developing an "energising" colour to its palette.
The resulting colour was created by finding the "average" yellow of the minions, usingspectroscopy to ensure Minion Yellow didn't replicate an already existing colour in the Pantonepalette. Pantone refers to it as extroverted, playful, warm, energetic, friendly, illuminating and fun-loving.
"Colour is contextual and right now there is a desire for colours that are more vibrant anduplifting," Pantone Color Institute vice president Laurie Pressman said.
"This is especially the case with the yellows, so given the worldwide popularity of the Minions, itseemed only natural to name a colour after a character for the first time in our history."
Pantone Minion Yellow follows the addition of 336 new colours to the Pantone series in April2012, and will be added to the Pantone Fashion, Home + Interiors palette with the next colouraddition.
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