

2015-07-16 13:59



  The people of Mystic Falls won’t have long to focus on Elena Gilbert (Nina Dobrev) being in a fairy tale-like sleep before Lily (Annie Wersching) and her Heretics start causing havoc in “The Vampire Diaries” Season 7.

  吸血鬼日记第7季中神秘瀑布镇的人们将不会过多地关注像童话里那样沉睡的Elena Gilbert,因为在那之前Lily和她的异教徒们便会大肆搞破坏。

  “Lily and the Heretics will be brought in quite a bit. They have decided that Mystic Falls is going to be their new home while they learn to assimilate into the real world,” executive producer Julie Plec explains to Zap2it at San Diego Comic-Con. “They’ve all been trapped in this other world where there’s been nobody for over 100 years. So you can’t just walk out in the streets of New York City and fit in.”

  “Lily和异教徒们的戏份将会增加不少。他们已经决定将神秘瀑布镇作为他们的新家,同时他们也学着融入现实世界。”执行制片人Julie Plec在圣迭亚哥漫展上对我们解释道,“他们都已经被困在那个荒无人烟的世界100多年了。所以不可能只是简单地走上纽约街头就能融入这个社会了。”

  Two of Lily’s Heretic daughters, Mary-Louise and Nora, will especially have fun torturing Caroline (Candice Accola).


  “Mary-Louise and Nora are such mean girls. They are hilarious. They out mean-girl Caroline and they take lots of pleasure in torturing her,” Plec teases.


  Accola says that Caroline is welcoming the challenge as a way to help distract her from the grief of losing her mother and Elena in such a short period of time.


  “Caroline is very happy to be distracted so she will be shoving her way into trying to help with the Heretics and Lilly and the chaos they bring into the city,” she says. “The main ones are women so in the same way that we’ve seen Caroline be suspicious with Rebekah [Claire Holt], we’re going to definitely see Caroline have her guard up with the Heretics. We’ll see some really fun scenes with them coming up.”


  Rest assured that Caroline isn’t the only one that will have a hard time with the Heretics. After 100 years trapped in prison world, Lily’s “family” is hankering for trouble and to feed, which makes Mystic Falls their new playground.


  “[Lily] is using Mystic Falls as a training ground for how to teach her children how to blend,” Plec explains. “Unfortunately, they don’t like being told what to do. They’re hungry and they’re vampires. They’re mischievous and bored and cooped up for quite some time so Mystic Falls is sort of the brunt of the joke of the Heretics. It’s a lot of fun and a little twisted.”


  Plec is hoping that the new vibe of the Heretics will bring a new aesthetic to the show and hopefully become as invigorating as a previous set of visitors to Mystic Falls.“Kind of like how the Originals injected a nice bit of flavor, I’m hoping the Heretics do the same thing.”


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