

2015-07-03 09:31



  Jon Snow is one of the most beloved characters in Game of Thrones. We have watched him grow from a boy in the Stark household never quite sure of his place in the world, to the Lord Commander of the Nights Watch.


  Unfortunately, his foreign policy in regards to the Wildlings was wildly unpopular with the rest of the Nights Watch who have been fighting the Wildlings for generations and they committed mutiny and stabbed Jon Snow multiple times.


  In both the books and the show however, there is significant debate as to the question “Is Jon Snow really dead?”


  Hopefully George RR Martin will release the next book “The Winds of Winter” before Season 6 of the Game of Thrones television show and we can find out. Until then we only have speculation. One of the most popular theories of how Jon Snow is going to survive the encounter involves his Warging into Ghost. We have seen many examples of Wargs in the show on both sides of the Wall. One of the most blatant is Bran Stark, Jon Snows half brother as he can not only Warg into his Direwolf Summer, but also into his traveling companion Hodor.


  Most people that subscribe to this theory believe that Jon Snow will Warg into Ghost and therefore survive the encounter. The clip below is part of an interview that Kit Harington did with John Bradley, Dan Weiss and David Benioff for Oxford Union.


  In the interview Kit Harington is asked if he could have a power, what would it be? His answer was to put himself in a wolf, which is exactly inline with the theory. Also you can also hear the producers of the show say “In season 6″. This is all somewhat significant as this interview was shot in March 2015 after the conclusion of filming of Game of Thrones Season 5.


  So what do you think? Is Jon Snow really dead?


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