

2015-06-15 09:54



  After Liv made the devastating decision to not give her brother the blood that could in the Season 1 finale of "iZombie," the time has come for her to come clean about her undead state.


  Explaining to her family that she has tainted zombie blood running through her veins would be the hardest thing she's ever had to do. But it also would be better than letting her mother think she's willing to let her brother Evan (Nick Purcha) die rather than take part in a simple blood transplant.


  Liv has done a lot of emotional harm to those she cares about by not telling them the truth from the beginning. Her ex-fiance Major (Robert Buckley) lost any trust he had for her when Blaine (David Anders) revealed her secret. Her best friend Peyton (Aly Michalka) only figured it out after seeing Liv go into full-blown zombie mode, killing a fellow member of the undead. Peyton quickly disappeared, unable to cope with Liv's new life.


  When Season 2 premieres, it will be time for Liv to give up her secret. "iZombie's" main character needs to sit down her loved ones and calmly explain to them the truth about who she is now. The most important thing is for Liv to take ownership of her story. Major and Peyton both had the zombie truth bomb dropped on them by outside forces, so it's hard to blame them for feeling betrayed.


  Liv still has a chance to fix the mistake she made by keeping the truth from her family, but she needs to act quickly -- and figure out an alternative to save Evan. If he dies, it's entirely possible no explanation will be good enough for the family. More importantly, Liv may never forgive herself.


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