

2015-06-15 09:36


作者:by Jessica Roy

  Game of Thrones |《权力的游戏》剧照

  2. Sansa reunites with Brienne and throws a reverse Red Wedding for the Boltons: Brienne has spent the entire season standing outside of Winterfell, looking for a sign that Sansa needs her. Let's advance that plotline and get someone on Sansa's side at long last. Pod will lock the Boltons in the Great Hall of Winterfell and with a clap of her hands, Sansa will shank Ramsay Bolton right through the throat with that metal thing she picked up a couple episodes ago. Brienne can knife Roose Bolton in the face and then Lady Stone heart can emerge from a darkened corner, wring Theon's neck and shout, "The North sends their regards!" (Note: Roose's pregnant wife could theoretically get stabbed in the stomach for some truly symmetrical violence, but honestly, it's been a rough enough season for ladies this year. I say she joins Brienne, Sansa, and Pod on the road and sends the baby off to train for the Night's Watch.)

  2. 珊莎再会布蕾妮,上演波顿家族版的血色婚礼:这一整季,布蕾妮都驻守在临冬城外等着珊莎的召唤。我们可以自行脑补一下这一条情节线,再给珊莎寻个誓死效忠她的力量。珊莎拍掌示意波德把波顿家族锁在临冬城大厅之中,然后她用事先藏起来的金属物件划断拉姆斯·波顿的咽喉,而布蕾妮则手刃卢斯·波顿。接着,石心夫人从阴暗的角落中走出来,紧紧箍住席恩的脖子嘶喊:“北境的致意!”(注意注意:卢斯的孕妻理论上是应该被在肚子扎上几刀才能够重现血色婚礼的场景。不过说实在的,今年本季的女性角色实在是够多灾多难的,所以她应该会加入布蕾妮、珊莎和波德一派,并把孩子送去长城成为守夜人军团的一员。)


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