

2015-04-08 09:48



  The Walking Dead season 5 finale seemed to set up an impending battle between the self-proclaimed Wolves and the residents of Alexandria. But according to showrunner Scott M. Gimple, those letter “W’ loving lunatics may not be the biggest problem facing Rick Grimes and Co.

  On Sunday night’s Talking Dead, host Chris Hardwick read a note from Gimple that teased what was to come in season 6. And the note read as follows:

  “Season 6 for a good while now, humans have been the bigger threat. At the start of our next season, that will change. I said the show reinvents itself every 8 eps, and we’re doing it again, friendos. Now that these characters know they have what it takes to survive, what are they going to do with that power? How will they choose to live? Beyond answering those questions, we’re currently putting into motion some of our most ambitious stuff yet, and things are going to get very big, loud and scary.”

  Does that mean that zombies are coming back to the forefront or that our heroes will continue to battle their own inner demons and there will be internal strife in the Alexandria community? Post your theories below, and come back later for more season finale interviews with the cast and producers.

  《行尸走肉》(The Walking Dead)第五季的季终集似乎为今后埋下了伏笔,一群自称为狼的家伙和亚历山大的居民即将开战了。但根据剧集运作人斯科特·金普勒(Scott M. Gimple)的说法,那些喜欢在僵尸头上刻“W”的疯子们也许还不是瑞克(Rick)他们的最大威胁。

  在随后播出的《闲话行尸》(Talking Dead)中,主持人克里斯·哈德维克(Chris Hardwick )读了一段金普勒就第六季剧情作出的暗示。原文如下:



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