

2015-04-01 15:34



  After the World, after being anywhere at all, my place was Fresno, and as far as I am concerned it was the very best possible place for me to be----and for this reason: that’s where I was dropped. The minute we met, that was it. We belonged to each other. Forever, It was a fact.


  I was born there. I wasn’t born in Bitils, Marseilles, London, New York, or anywhere else. I was born in Fresno. It was my place. I loved it. I hated it. But had I been born in Paris, I would have loved Paris, and I would have hated it. Fresno had great early appeal for me. It had a fine smell of dust, of the desert, of rocks baking in the sun, of sand with cactus growing out of it, of water flowing in rivers and ditches, of leaf and blossom and fruit. It also had all of the smells of rot, decay, and ferment: the great heaps of grape pulp and skin at the wineries sent a smell all through the town if there was a little wind stirring. There were also the magnificent smells in the house in which one did one’s early time: the very walls themselves, the people who lived in the house, and the things they cooked or baked: Armenian bread, for instance, in the three popular forms prepared by the Saroyan family: the round, wafer-thin flat bread, the oval loaf bread only an inch or two thick, and the diamond-shaped little loaves of butter bread. There was also always the smell of various green things, or growing things----parsley, mint, basil, onions, bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, and so on and so forth.

  弗雷斯诺是我的出生地,那里是我的归宿。我爱它,我也恨它。但即使我出生在巴黎,也会对巴黎既爱又恨。弗雷斯诺深深地吸引着我:那里有泥土的清香,沙漠的广袤,有烈日烘烤下的岩石的炙热,有长出了仙人掌的沙土地的粗糙,有奔腾在小溪水渠中的浪花的欢愉,有搭建成几何形框架的果园和葡萄园的绿荫,还有落叶,花蕾和果实的馨香。当然,那里也有腐烂、变质、发酵的气息:微风吹过, 酿酒厂旁边的一堆堆果肉和果皮散发出的臭味便会飘满全镇。那里也有从早年修建的房屋里散发出的温馨的气息:自家筑起的墙壁、住在屋里的人们、还有他们烹饪烘烤的食物:比如萨洛阳家族准备的三种流行的亚美尼亚面包:圆形薄脆面包、只有一两寸厚的椭圆形面包、方片形的黄油小面包。那里也总是有各种绿色植物,或着说是正在茁壮生长的植物的气息------欧芹,薄荷,罗勒,洋葱,青椒,番茄,黄瓜等等。

  All of these things were a part of the place, and very quickly a part of me. Fresno was my place, and my family was my place


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