

2020-04-17 15:30



  ❷ 武汉市新冠肺炎确诊病例数、确诊病例死亡数订正工作是如何开展的?

  How was the revision work on the numbers of confirmed cases and deaths of COVID-19 in Wuhan conducted?


  The Wuhan municipal headquarters for epidemic prevention and control has attached great importance to the work of revising the numbers of confirmed cases and deaths of COVID-19 in Wuhan. Following the principle of being responsible for history, for the people and for the deceased, the headquarters took the initiative to make the revision truthfully. 


  In late March of 2020, the Wuhan municipal headquarters for COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control established a group for epidemic-related big data and epidemiological investigations. Municipal authorities for health, disease control, public security, civil affairs, judicial affairs and statistics have pooled their efforts to compare the COVID-19 case information in the Wuhan municipal COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control big data system, the municipal funeral service system, the municipal hospital authority's COVID-19 information system, and the municipal novel coronavirus nucleic acid test system to remove double-counted cases and fill in missed cases.


  Aiming to leave no COVID-19 case undocumented, the authorities have worked to collect full information from all epidemic-related locations, including fever clinics, hospitals, makeshift hospitals, quarantine sites, communities with COVID-19 cases, and special sites administrated by public security, judicial and civil affairs authorities such as prisons, detention centers and elderly care centers, collect full personal information on all COVID-19 cases, and screen and verify every case with health institutions, communities and neighborhoods, primary-level police stations, employers and families of COVID-19 patients, to ensure that facts about every case are accurate and every figure is objective and correct.

  ❸ 武汉市新冠肺炎确诊病例数订正后,数据有什么变化?

  What changes have been made to the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Wuhan after the revision?


  Previously, Wuhan reported a total of 50,008 confirmed cases of COVID-19 by the end of April 16. A total of 217 repeatedly counted cases should be deducted from the previous figure due to the fact that there were patients who saw doctors in different districts or visited more than one hospital. Meanwhile, a total of 542 cases that were previously not tallied due to belated or missed reporting should be added to the figure. The accumulative number of confirmed cases was revised to 50,333.


  What is the change to the number of deaths of confirmed COVID-19 cases after the revision?


  Previously, Wuhan had reported 2,579 deaths of confirmed COVID-19 cases by the end of April 16. A total of 164 deaths should be removed from the total figure due to repeated reporting and the deaths mistakenly attributed to COVID-19. In the meantime, a total of 1,454 deaths should be added to the number due to the fact that non-hospitalized deaths had not been registered at the disease control information system as well as the fact that some confirmed cases had been reported late or not been reported at all by some medical institutions. The number of deaths of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Wuhan was revised to 3,869.

  ❺ 对武汉市新冠肺炎确诊病例数、确诊病例死亡数进行订正有什么重要意义?

  What is the significance of revising Wuhan's numbers of confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths?


  Life safety and health are people's fundamental needs and common aspiration. What lies behind epidemic data are the lives and health of the general public, as well as the credibility of the government. The timely revision to the numbers of confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths is conducive to safeguarding people's rights and interests, and to scientific decision-making on epidemic prevention and control. It is also a response to public concerns and more importantly, a respect for every single life.


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