

2018-05-25 09:36



  More than 100 people are believed dead Friday after a Cubana de Aviacion Boeing 737-200 crashed on takeoff from Havana’s Jose Marti International Airport, according to Cuba’s state-run media.


  Three female passengers are in critical condition after surviving the crash into thick vegetation just miles from the runway, the state-run newspaper Granma reported. Earlier Friday evening, Granma reported that one of the three survivors had died. Shortly afterward, Granma issued a correction, saying that all three women are alive.


  Flight DMJ 0972 was headed to the eastern Cuban city of Holguin when it plummeted into in an agricultural area in the Santiago de las Vegas neighborhood at 12:08 p.m., according to Granma. Vice Minister of Transportation Eduardo Rodríguez Dávila said there were 105 passengers on board, including one infant. Five passengers were foreigners and 100 were Cuban, he said.

  根据Granma的说法,DMJ 0972航班于下午12:08坠落在圣地亚哥拉斯维加斯附近的古巴东部城市奥尔金农田。交通部副部长EduardoRodríguezDávila说,船上有105名乘客,其中包括一名婴儿。他说,五名乘客是外国人,其余是古巴人。

  Argentina’s Foreign Ministry said two passengers were Argentine. Orestes Bentancour, who lives near the crash site, told CNN that he was drawn out of his home by the "enormous noise" the plane made on takeoff. He said the plane appeared to swerve to one side and revved its engines before crashing.

  阿根廷外交部表示,其中两名乘客是阿根廷人。居住在坠机现场附近的Orestes Bentancour告诉CNN,飞机在起飞时产生的“巨大噪音”吸引了他。他说,这架飞机在坠落前似乎想转向一侧,并尝试使发动机转动。

  Five crew members on board were Mexican nationals, according to Mexico’s Civil Aviation Authority. Global Airline, which operated the flight, said there were six crew members, all Mexican nationals. The nearly 40-year-old Boeing 737-200 was owned by the Mexican airline Aerolíneas Damojh and leased to Cubana de Aviacion, the Civil Aviation Authority said in a statement. The charter flight "suffered a failure" and crashed about six miles from the airport. Search and rescue personnel descended on the area -- with some residents helping -- as firefighters tried to extinguish the flames, according to photos and video from the scene.



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