

2018-03-21 14:00

来源:the guardian


  The last male northern white rhinoceros has died, leaving only two females with which conservationists hope to save the species from extinction.


  Sudan, the “gentle giant” who lived in the Ol Pejeta conservancy in Kenya, was put down on Monday after the pain from a degenerative illness became too great. He is survived by his daughter and granddaughter.

  住在肯尼亚Ol Pejeta保护区的这位名叫苏丹的“温和巨人”星期一因退行性疾病引起的疼痛变得非常严重而被迫安乐死。他的女儿和孙女幸存下来。

  To try to preserve the species, genetic material was collected from Sudan before he was euthanised. Staff at the park hope that, through “advanced cellular technologies” and IVF, his death will not signal the end of the species.


  The northern white rhino has been all but destroyed by uncontrolled hunting in the colonial era and, more recently, poaching for their horns.


  Sudan, who was 45, survived the species’ near-extinction in the 1970s and was taken to Dv?r Králové zoo in the Czech Republic. He was eventually moved back to Africa and, according to those who worked in the Ol Pejeta conservancy, “stole the heart of many with his dignity and strength”.

  20世纪70年代,45岁的苏丹在物种近乎灭绝的边缘幸存了下来,并被带到了捷克共和国的Dv?rKrálové动物园。他最终被送回非洲,根据那些在Ol Pejeta保护区工作的人介绍,“他以他的尊严和力量偷走了许多人??的心”。

  “He was a gentle giant, his personality was just amazing and given his size, a lot of people were afraid of him. But there was nothing mean about him,” said Elodie Sampere, a representative for Ol Pejeta.

  “他是一个温和的巨人,他的个性非常惊人,而因为他的体型巨大,很多人都害怕他。但他毫不卑劣,“Ol Pejeta的代表Elodie Sampere说。

  The veterinary team said they had euthanised Sudan after his condition worsened over the weekend, leaving him with bad skin wounds. The rhino was unable to stand and was visibly suffering.


  “We on Ol Pejeta are all saddened by Sudan’s death,” said Richard Vigne, Ol Pejeta’s chief executive. “He was a great ambassador for his species and will be remembered for the work he did to raise awareness globally of the plight facing not only rhinos, but also the many thousands of other species facing extinction as a result of unsustainable human activity.

  Ol Pejeta首席执行官Richard Vigne说:“我们在Ol Pejeta对苏丹的逝世感到悲伤。 他是代表他的物种的一位伟大的大使,不仅在犀牛面对的危机方面,而且在许多上千种其它物种因为不可持续的人类活动而面临灭绝方面,他都作出了提高全球意识的工作,他会被人们记住。”

  “One day, his demise will hopefully be seen as a seminal moment for conservationists worldwide.”


  The hope for continuing the species lies in artificially inseminating either Najin or her daughter, Fatu.



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