
火爆全球的这只粉色猪猪 引起疯狂围观!(图)

2017-11-30 10:46



  A woman fell to the ground after she was punched by another mum as they tried to get close to Peppa Pig at the Hamleys Parade. Both women were in a crowd of around 800,000 shoppers trying to get close to their favourite toy characters for a meet and greet on Sunday.

  在Hamleys Parade,当妈妈们尝试着离佩奇猪更近的时候,一位女人被另一位妈妈挤倒在地。在星期天,所有的女人们围成一团,80万购物者们为了和他们最喜爱的玩具人物见面打招呼,努力往前挤。

火爆全球的这只粉色猪猪 引起疯狂围观!

  The victim, in her 50s, was knocked out cold and had to be taken to hospital while other adults and children continued to scramble to get close to Peppa. Hamleys had to close down that zone on Regent Street as an ambulance crawled through the throng to treat her.


火爆全球的这只粉色猪猪 引起疯狂围观!

  They said they saw ‘unprecedented’ crowds for the event, where people can take photos with their favourite characters. People posting on Facebook complained about the chaotic scenes.


  Woman wakes to find rocking horse dumped in garden with seriously creepy note Leanne Lloyd said: ‘We were caught in a crowd crush. My children were crying at lack of respect from adults and being shoved and elbowed.

  女人醒来后发现摇摇马被扔在花园里,还带着一张令人毛骨悚然的字条,Leanne Lloyd说:“我们被困在拥挤的人群里。我的孩子因为被大人们推来推去一直在哭,”

  “Let’s hope there is a investigation into why all this happened – I heard a women had been assaulted.’ Jodie Eastment added: ‘As much as I agree there should have been more crowd control it is also up to the ‘adults’ to behave. ‘Everyone just kept pushing.’

  Jodie Easment补充说:“我们都希望对于发生的这一切能有一项调查—我听说有一个女人被挤倒了。我赞同人群被控制这个建议,这跟大人们的行为有关。每个人都一直推挤着。”



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