

2017-11-21 10:24




  MICHEL MARTIN, HOST: New Orleans made history last night. For the first time ever, the city has elected a woman as mayor - LaToya Cantrell. But Cantrell says that there are other big numbers that matter more. NPR’s Colin Dwyer reports.

  米歇尔.马丁, 主持:昨晚新奥尔良创造了历史。该市破天荒第一次选举一位女性作为市长--拉托亚.坎特雷尔。坎特雷称除了上述情况外,还有其他更多紧要的事需要处理。NPR Colin Dwyer报道。

  COLIN DWYER, BYLINE: Nearly 300 years - that’s how long the city’s been around. And not once has it had a woman for a chief executive. That long streak ended unofficially last month when both LaToya Cantrell and Desiree Charbonnet, a fellow Democrat, qualified for a runoff election. It was only a matter of whose name earned an entry in the history books. Well, Cantrell won that honor Saturday night with a commanding 60 percent of the vote. But in her victory speech at the New Orleans Jazz Market, she said the city has more important things to think about than just her place in history.

  连线Colin Dwyer:近三百年的历史,这座城市历经的多么久啊!还没有一个女性曾经执掌过这个城市。但那样的历史轨迹上个月以非正式的情况结束了,拉托亚.坎特雷尔(LaToya Cantrell)和民主党(Desiree Charbonnet)都进入了候选人名单之列。目前只存在一个问题,即谁的名字将名垂青史。然而,坎特雷在星期六晚上以60%的绝对领先票数获此殊荣。但是她在新奥尔良爵士市场广场胜选演讲上,这样讲道:“这座城市还有比名垂青史更重要的事去考虑。”

  LATOYA CANTRELL: This campaign did not start about self. It only started with and has been routed in the people of the city of New Orleans, which all of us...


  DWYER: Before this election, Cantrell earned attention as a community activist with another kind of campaign - the quest to save the neighborhood of Broadmoor after Hurricane Katrina.

  DWYER: 在这场选举之前,坎特雷作为社区的活动参与者在另一种活动中获得民众的关注,即拯救卡特里娜飓风过后的Broadmoor社区邻里居民。

  UNIDENTIFIED MAN: There is no Broadmoor. We’re destroyed. It looked like a napalm bomb had been dropped on the area, and everything was dead.


  DWYER: That’s a member of the Broadmoor Improvement Association speaking in the nonprofit group’s video history of the neighborhood posted on Facebook. Katrina battered Broadmoor. Cantrell led efforts to bring it back from the brink. In her victory speech Saturday night, the mayor-elect pledged to have every neighborhood in mind when she steps into office.

  DWYER: 那是Broadmoor改进协会里的一名成员粘贴进Facebook邻居非盈利组织视频库里的演讲。卡特里娜飓风强袭Broadmoor社区。坎特雷努力把这个社区从消亡的边缘拯救回来。星期六晚上的胜选演讲上,当这位市长踏进大厅里时,她的誓言已经留在了每一个社区居民的脑海中。

  CANTRELL: What I’m here to say to you tonight - we have spoken.




  CANTRELL: The people of our city have spoken. And no one will be left out.


  DWYER: Cantrell officially takes office in about six months when she takes over for current Mayor Mitch Landrieu. Colin Dwyer, NPR News.

  DWYER: 坎特雷在六个月后,将接任现任市长Mitch Landrieu正式就职。NPR新闻Colin Dwyer报道。



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