
双语新闻:高考之前 73所野鸡大学曝光

2016-05-27 10:31



  Half a month before millions of high schoolers take China’snational college entrance exam, a new batch of fake colleges hasbeen exposed.


  A list released last week on sdaxue.com, a site that helpsstudents choose higher educational institutions, exposed 73Chinese universities or colleges as unaccredited diploma mills.The website has published its annual list of fake schools since 2013. This list pushes the totalnumber of phony colleges exposed to over 400.


  On the list are 23 schools in Beijing where many of the country’s top universities are located.Shandong was second, with eight fake colleges, while Shanghai has seven.


  Names of institutions are usually slightly altered versions of the names of real universities andcolleges to confuse prospective students. Accreditation is usually fabricated or out of date.According to the website, 66 of the 73 bogus colleges were not on the college list published bythe Ministry of Education (MOE), while 6 used old names of legal colleges. One used an alternativename of a Party school in Beijing.


  These colleges usually woo and swindle high school graduates through slick recruitment sites.


  Xinhua reporters contacted a dozen of them, all supposedly located in Beijing, but none of theirphone numbers were available. Most of their addresses are in the suburbs, making them hard tofind. Some, such as the address of "Beijing Normal University of Science and Technology," simplydo not exist.


  "Approved by the Beijing Municipal Education Commission, our college trains talent for educationand global labor services," reads the website of Beijing Institute of Civil Engineering andArchitecture, reportedly located in Beijing’s Chaoyang District. The college claims more than16,500 graduates and excellent teaching facilities. Xinhua reporters could not locate the college atits address, although a vocational school was found. One of the school staff confirmed that noother college is located there, and that the vocational school was the only education institution inthe vicinity.

  “我校是经北京市教委批准成立的一所融高等教育助学和国际劳务输出培训于一体的高等教育学校。学院成立至今,已为社会培养16500多位优秀毕业生。校园教学设备一应俱全,” 虚假大学“北京建筑工程学院”官方网站上写道。新华社记者来到其官网上标注的北京朝阳区地址,但并未找到该学校。但是,附近的确有一所中专学校,学校工作人员说这里只有一所中专学校,附近没有其他的学校。



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