

2015-03-03 14:24



  Chinese real estate and entertainment billionaire Wang Jianlin has surpassed Jack Ma as the country’s richest man in the aftermath of a dive in e-commence giant Alibaba Group’s shares in New York.


  Alibaba plunged 8.8% to close at $89.8, the biggest one-day drop since its September IPO, after the company announced disappointing results for the quarter ending on December 31. Revenues were up 40% but were lower than expected. Net profit, including one-time charges, fell 28% from the same period last year. The stock plunge sent Jack Ma’s fortune down to $20.7 billion, while Wang’s wealth edged up to $21.4 billion amid successful IPOs recently.


  Alibaba’s stock also fell after the Chinese government said company hadn’t done enough to protect customers from sales of fakes on its e-commerce platforms.


  Alibaba recorded the world’s largest IPO when it listed in New York. After initially climbing from $68, however, its shares have tumbled from a peak of $119.2 in November. Even though the company scored record sales during Singles’ Day — China’s largest e-commerce holiday — in November, the success did not satisfy the high expectations from investors today.


  Wang, who was overtaken by Ma as China’s No. 1 richest in September, has had a run-up in his wealth this month on a surge in his newly listed domestic movie theatre chain, Wanda Cinema Line, on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. His Wanda Group also recently announced $1 billion investment to develop mixed-use real estate property in Sydney’s central business district.


  Wang’s other main listedbusinesses include the U.S. cinema chain AMC Entertainment, Hong Kong-listed Wanda Commercial Properties and Wanda Hotels. Last year he set up an e-commerce company with Baidu and Tencent, two of China’s largest Internet businesses.


  Wang had an early career in China’s military before becoming a government official in the northern Chinese city of Dalian and later going into the real estate development business.


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