

2020-01-10 17:45




  使役意义状态动词get, leave, set, send, keep, drive, etc.常用于复合结构中

  1. get:使成为/变得某种状态或结果。

  I can’t get the old radio to work.我无法让那旧收音机工作起来。(接带to不定式作宾补)

  Can you really get that old car going again?你真能让那旧车运转起来吗?

  The farmer got his planting done before the rain came.那农民在雨季前完成了种植。

  He got his wrist broken.他折断了手腕。(主语发生了不幸的事)

  She soon got the children ready for school.她迅速使孩子们做好了上学准备。

  2. leave:使保持/处于某种状态

  Leave your hat and coat in the hall.把帽子和外套放在大厅里。

  Did you leave the doors and windows firmly fastened?你把门窗紧紧锁上了吗?

  Always leave things where you can find them again.总应把东西放在能再次找到的地方。

  Who left that window open?谁让窗户开着?

  Don’t leave him waiting outside in the rain.别让他在外面雨中等待。

  Leave somebody / something alone.不要干涉某人或某事。

  3. set:使某人或某物处于或达到某种特殊的状态或关系

  set somebody at his ease 使某人安逸/舒适/心情放松

  set something in order 使某物井然有序

  set somebody free / at liberty 使某人获得自由,释放(犯人等)

  It’s time we set the machine going. 是我们发动机器的时候了。

  The news set me thinking. 这消息使我陷入了沉思。

  He set the farm laborer to chop wood. 他让农场工人去砍伐木材。

  I have set myself to finish the job by the end of May. 我决心于五月底前完成那工作。

  set a thief to catch a thief. 以毒攻毒;令贼捉贼

  4. send:使某人或某物急剧地移动

  The earthquake sent the crockery and cutlery crashing to the ground. 地震将杯盘刀叉震落在地上。

  Mind how you go----you nearly sent me flying. 小心点,你差点将我撞飞了.

  Send that fellow about his business / packing. 叫那家伙滚蛋.

  The good harvest sent the prices down. 丰收使物价下跌.

  5. drive:使某人处于某状态,迫使某人做某事

  Failure drove him to despair / desperation. 失败使他绝望。You’ll drive me mad / to my wits’end. 你会把我气疯的。/ 你会使我穷尽应付的。

  Hunger drove him to steal. = He was driven by hunger to steal.他为饥饿所迫而偷窃。


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