

2020-01-02 10:45



  十一. 名词性从句

  69.We are talking about if this plan should be carried out.If 和whether都可以引导动词的宾语从句,如果从句做的是介词宾语,只能用whether引导。所以把if 改为whether。

  70.I can not decide if to stay or not.只有whether才能和不定式搭配使用。因此把if 改为whether。

  71.My suggestion is we try for a second time.表语从句的引导词如为that,一般不省略。因此在we前加上that。

  72.What will the professor say is not known yet.名词性从句的语序都是陈述句语序。因此应改为:What the professor will say is not known yet.

  十二. 状语从句

  73.I will go unless he invites me.此句意为“除非他邀请我,否则我不去。”而unless相当于if not, 所以本句应改成:I won’t go unless he invites me。

  74.Although he tried, but he still couldn’t keep up with the others.although 和but 不能同时用在一句话中,去掉任何一个都可以。

  75.I won’t stay until he comes back.含有not…until的句子的谓语动词应是点动词,含有until的肯定句的动词应是延续性动词,此句有两种改法:I will stay until he comes back.或I won’t leave until he comes back.

  十三. 定语从句

  76.An orphan is a child who’s parents are dead.定语从句中表“…的”引导词只有whose,所以把who’s 改为whose。

  77.This is the very thing which I lost yesterday.如果先行词为物且前有the only, the last, the very修饰时,定语从句的引导词只能用that。

  78.This is the car for that I paid a high price.定语从句的先行词为物,而且引导词放在介词后时,只能用which.

  79.She is one of the students who has passed the exam.定语从句修饰one of 加上复数名词时,复数名词是定语从句的先行词,因此把 has 改为have。

  80.This is the place where we visited last year.定语从句的先行词用关系代词还是关系副词要看定语从句中缺不缺主语或宾语,如缺用关系代词,如不缺用关系副词。此句中visit为及物动词,后无宾语,因此把where 改为which或that。

  81.I, who is your friend, can understand you.定语从句的谓语动词应与其先行词保持一致,因此把is 改为am。

  82.China is a developing country, that is known to all.非限定性定语从句的引导词永远不会是that,因此把that 改为which 或as。

  十四. 主谓一致

  83.The poet and writer are invited to give a speech at the meeting.poet和writer共用一个冠词,指的是一个人身兼二职,所以谓语动词应为单数。把are改为is.

  84.No one except my parents know it.主语后加except再加上若干数量的名词,谓语动词和主语保持一致。所以把know改为knows。类似的用法的词或短语有:but, besides, with, together with, along with, as well as等等。

  85.Your clothes is on the table over there.clothes为复数句词,谓语动词应为复数。把is改为are。

  86. The number of the students in that school are about one thousand.此名的主语为number而不是students。因此把are 改为is。

  87.The class was watching TV when I entered the room.class作主语时,把它看成一个整体时谓语动词用单数,看成每一个成员的个体行为时谓语动词用复数。一般来说,一些具体行为如看电视、吃饭、洗澡等都属于每一个成员的个体行为。此处把was改为were。

  88.The population of our country are increasing slowly now.population 单独作主语谓语动词经常用单数;如果其前有分数或百分数,而且后面又有复数名词时谓语动词用复数。如:One fifth of the Chinese population are workers. 此处把are改为is。

  十五. 倒装

  89.No sooner he had reached the station than the train left.no sooner 为否定副词,放于句首时句子要部分倒装,因此此句应改为:No sooner had he reached the station than the train left.

  90.Here comes he.here 放于句首时,句子主谓要完全倒装,但句子主语为代词时,则主谓不倒装。此句应改为:Here he comes.

  91.A child as he is, he can speak five languages.用as引导让步状语从句,可把形容词、副词和不带冠词的名词放于as前。所以前半句改为:Child as he is...

  十六. 虚拟语气

  92.She would have come if we invited her.这是与过去事实相反的虚拟假设,从句应该用过去完成时。所以在 we 后加 had.

  93.My suggestion is that we would send a few people to help them.suggestion 的表语从句也应用虚拟语气,必须用should加动词原形,should可以省略。此处去掉would 或把would 改为should。

  94.The secretary wishes that she has time to type the letter now.wish 后的时态应该把真实时态往后推一个时态,所以把has改为had。

  95.It’s time that we go to bed.句式为It’s time sb did sth 所以把 go 改为 went。

  96.I would rather you have another try tomorrow.词组为would rather sb did sth. 所以把have改为had。

  十七. there be句式

  97.There are a bag and several books on the table.There be 句式遵循谓语动词就近原则,a bag为单数,所以把are改为is。

  98.There were several people stood at the back of the room.There be句式的谓语动词为be动词,句中其他的动词应为非谓语动词。所以把stood改为standing.

  十八. 修饰语在句中的位置不当

  99.We almost have written twenty compositions this term.像almost这样的副词在句中放在助动词、be动词之后,实意动词之前。因此把almost放在have后面。

  100.The girl has beautiful, silky hair who lives high in the mountains.定语从句应紧跟先行词,所以改为:The girl, who lives high in the mountains, has beautiful, silky hair.


  • 听力
  • 口语
  • 阅读
  • 娱乐
  • 词汇
  • 写作


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