

2019-08-29 17:14




  Sleep and waking up(睡觉/起床)



  Sweat dreams.


  It’s time to go to bed./Time for bed.


  It’s time to have a nap.


  Wake up!(起床。)

  Did you sleep well?


  Time to get up.


  Getting dressed(穿衣)

  It’s time to get dressed


  What do you want to wear today?


  This shirt doesn’t go with those pants.


  Stand still. / sit still.


  Now put on your sweater.


  Take your clothes off./ Take off your clothes.


  Pick up your socks, please.


  Put on your trousers/shoes/coat/cap.


  Meal time(吃饭)

  Come sit at the table。


  Stop playing with your food。


  Don’t talk with your mouth full。


  Help Daddy do the dishes。


  Help Mommy to set the table。


  Help us clear off the table。


  Safty and injuries(安全和受伤)

  It’s bad for you!


  I have told you many times not to do that。


  Don’t sit too close to the TV。


  It’s nothing. It’s just a little cut。


  Don’t touch the electrical outlets。


  Don’t try to plug/put anything in the outlet。


  Don’t touch anything on the stove。


  The oven is very hot; you could burn yourself。


  Those tools are too sharp; they’re only for grownups。


  Don’t use others cup; you could catch his cold/germs that way。


  Don’t play with fire; it’s dangerous。


  Wait for the green light before you cross the street。


  Always look both side before crossing the street.


  Playing toys/games(玩玩具/游戏)

  Don’t leave toys on the floor where people will step on them。


  I’m going to count to ten。


  Let’s pick up the toys and put them back。


  Want to play hide and seek?


  Ready or not, here I come。


  Please put the toys/books back on the shelf。


  Want to play outside?


  Bathroom talk(卫生间)

  Do you need to go potty?


  I need to go to the bathroom.


  Don’t unroll the toilet paper。


  Don’t use too much toilet paper。


  Don’t pick your nose. / Don’t stick your fingers in your nose。



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