

2019-07-02 15:53



  16.Tom is ________ taller of the two boys.

  答案 the 当用于比较级前表示“两者中较……的”时,应用定冠词the。

  17.I fell in love with the city ________ first time I came here.

  答案 the 句意:我第一次来这里的时候就爱上了这座城市。序数词或形容词最高级前应用定冠词the。

  18.The man caught the thief by ________ arm.

  答案 the 句意:那人抓住了小偷的胳膊。“动词+sb.+介词+the+身体部位”为固定结构,故应填the。

  19.He was born in ________ 1990s when his mother worked in a factory.

  答案 the 句意:他出生于二十世纪九十年代,那时他的母亲在一家工厂工作。在表示世纪、年代的词前应用定冠词the。

  20.Mary can play ________ violin well, but she can't play ________ piano.

  答案 the; the 句意:玛丽小提琴能拉得好,但她不会弹钢琴。表示乐器的名词与play连用时,名词前应用定冠词the。

  21.Our library is in ________ center of our school.

  答案 the 句意:我们的图书馆在校园的中心位置。在表示方位、位置的名词前用定冠词the。

  22.________ poor are against the plan, but ________ rich are for it.

  答案 The; the 句意:穷人反对这个计划,而富人们赞成。“the+形容词”表示一类人或物。

  23.When the phone rang, ________ Whites were watching TV.

  答案 the 句意:当电话铃响的时候,怀特一家人/夫妇正在看电视。定冠词the用在姓氏的复数形式前,表示一家人或夫妇俩。

  24.This morning I had ________ big breakfast, so I'm not having anything for lunch.

  答案 a 三餐名词前面不用冠词,但是如果在三餐名词前面加上了适当的描述性修饰词语,则前面需要加冠词。

  25.You'd better go abroad by ________ plane so as to get there earlier.

  答案 / 表示交通工具的名词与by连用时,名词前不用冠词。

  26.We have no classes on ________ Sunday, so we often go to play ________ football.

  答案 /; / 句意:我们星期日不上课,因此我们经常去踢足球。在表示星期、球类、三餐、学科、语言、季节等词前通常不用冠词。

  27.They are paid by ________ month.

  答案 the 句意:他们按月计酬。定冠词the用于表示时间或度量单位的名词前,表示“每一”。如:by the hour/week/month/year/ dozen/kilo等。

  28.He couldn't remember when he first listened to Tom's speech, but he was sure it was ________ Monday because everybody was at work.

  答案 a 句意:他不记得第一次听汤姆的演讲是在什么时候了,只能确定是在某个星期一,因为大家都在上班。某一个星期几表泛指,其前加不定冠词a。

  29.________ harder you work, ________ greater progress you will make.

  答案 The; the 句意:你越努力,取得的进步就会越大。“the+比较级……,the+比较级……”意为“越……就越……”。

  30.________ moon travels around ________ earth.

  答案 The; the 句意:月亮围着地球转。表示世界上独一无二的事物前用定冠词the。


  1.I grew up on a farm in Idaho, but I did not want to become farmer.


  答案 become后加a farmer为可数名词。可数名词的单数形式前必须要有冠词、指示代词或形容词性物主代词来修饰。根据句意,此处是指“我不想成为一名农民”,表示泛指,故用不定冠词a。

  2.All the students in our class made a progress by studying harder this term.


  答案 去掉a progress为不可数名词,前面不用冠词。make progress意为“取得进步”。

  3.It is not rare in 1990s that people in their fifties are going to university for further education.


  答案 1990s前加the 在表示世纪、年代的词前要加定冠词the。

  4.The building was set up in a September of 1990.


  答案 a→the 此处特指1990年的9月,故应用定冠词the。

  5.The sports meeting was great success.


  答案 great前加a 当success表示“成功的人或事”时,经常与不定冠词连用。

  6.She was waiting for him for a hour in the rain.


  答案 a→an hour的始发音为元音音素,故用an。

  7.In my opinion, you'd better go to the restaurant where you had a lunch and look for your lost wallet.


  答案 去掉a 表示三餐的名词前一般不用冠词。

  8.This is a most interesting film that I have ever seen.


  答案 a→the “the+most+多音节形容词(+名词)”为多音节形容词的最高级形式,表示“最……”。而“a most+形容词+名词”或“most+形容词”结构中,most不表示最高级含义,为“很,非常”的意思。

  9.I had wonderful supper yesterday.


  答案 had后加a 当表示三餐的名词前有修饰语时,前面需要加冠词。

  10.Apple is sold by the weight and coal is sold by the ton.


  答案 去掉第一个the the常用于表时间或度量单位的名词前,如:by the hour/day/week/month/year/dozen/yard/ton/kilo,但是size/weight/time这类名词跟by连用时不加冠词。

  11.After dinner he gave Mr. Richardson the ride to the airport.


  答案 第一个the→a give sb. a ride为固定搭配,意为“载某人一程,让某人搭便车”。

  12.One way to understand thousands of words is to gain the good knowledge of basic word formation.


  答案 the→a gain/have a good knowledge of...为固定搭配,意为“精通……”。

  13.The classroom is on fourth floor.


  答案 fourth前加the 序数词前加定冠词the表示“第几”。

  14.He is an only one who has worked out the problem.


  答案 an→the the only修饰名词或代词意为“唯一的……”。

  15.After years of hard work, he has turned a skilled worker.


  答案 去掉a或turned→become turn worker=become a worker,意为“成为一名工人”。


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  • 娱乐
  • 词汇
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