

2019-06-27 11:39



  31. ---I feel tired and sleepy.

  ---Why not stop _____?

  A. to work 

  B. to have a rest 

  C. having a rest 

  D. to go on with your work 

  解析:stop to do sth.表示停下了去做另外的事。stop doing sth. 表示停止做某事。句子的意思是我感觉很累,很想睡。对方肯定是劝她停下手上的事去休息。答案是B。

  32. ---Did you notice the boy come in?

  ---No, I didn't because I _______a film.

  A. had watched 

  B. have watched 

  C. was watching 

  D. am watching


  33. ---Could you tell me _____? I must find him.

  ---Sorry, I have no idea. But he was here just now.

  A. where Tom was 

  B. where has Tom gone 

  C. where can I find Tom. 

  D. where Tom is

  解析:本题是考查宾语从句的用法。由what,where,who等疑问词引导的宾语从句要用陈述语气,疑问词+陈述句,而不是疑问词+一般疑问句。Could 此时表示委婉的请求语气,而不是过去时。答案为D。

  34. ---Shall I tell Mike about it?

  ---No, you _____. He's already been told.

  A. mustn't 

  B. can't 

  C. don't 

  D. needn't

  解析:mustn‟t 表示“禁止,不许” can‟t “不能” don‟t”不...” needn‟t “不必要”根据题目意思,他已经知道了,不存在着禁止,不能的意思。Don‟t也不能回答Shall 引导的一般疑问句,答案为D。

  35. ---I‟m ______ in what _____ you.

  ---Well, don‟t follow suit. Just do what you like.

  A. interesting, interests 

  B. interested, interests 

  C. interest, interests 

  D. interest, interesting

  解析:be interested in 对...感兴趣,人作主语 ;interesting 令人感兴趣的,物作主语;interest使人感兴趣。答案为B。

  36. ---I‘m too busy_______ to my family often.

  ---Why not call them instead?

  A. writing 

  B. to write 

  C. written 

  D. write

  解析:too....to 太....而不能......我太忙而不能经常给我家里人写信。答案为B。

  37. ---______ present you’ve bought for me!

  ---I‘m glad you like it.

  A. How a 

  B. What a 

  C. How 

  D. What


  38. ---This is no-smoking zone. Can’t you see the sign?

  ---Oh, sorry. I ______ it.

  A. haven‘t seen 

  B. won’t see 

  C. don‘t see 

  D. didn’t see

  解析:这是无烟区,难道你不能看见这个标示吗? 在这个人的提示下,答话人现在肯定看见这个标示了。那么是以前没看见,答案为D。

  39. ---Will you please let me have a look at the photos taken in the States?

  ---Sure .I‘ll _____ them here to school tomorrow. 

  A. take 

  B. carry 

  C. get 

  D. bring

  解析:本题主要对比take 和bring。take是拿走,bring是拿来。carry是携带,get是得到,答案为D。

  40. ---Look at ____ animal. It’s interesting.

  ---Which one do you mean? ____ black one with a long tail? A. an, The 

  B. an, An 

  C. the, The 

  D. the, An



  • 听力
  • 口语
  • 阅读
  • 娱乐
  • 词汇
  • 写作


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