

2019-03-19 15:30




  You can go there yourself. 


  The president himself will chair the meeting. 


  I am a stranger here myself. 


  9.much, far, by far, still, even, a great deal, a lot放在形容词或副词比较级的前面,用来加强语气。

  This building is much larger than that one. 


  His composition is far better than mine. 


  That would be a great deal better. 


  注意:by far 要放在最高级或带the的比较级前,但如果比较级前面无定冠词,by far放在比较级前后均可。

  He is by far the tallest student in the class. 


  It is by far the longer river of the two. 


  This is better by far. 


  10. 用重复某一个单词来表示强调。

  It's very, very unkind of you, isn't it?


  We waited and waited, but nothing happened. 


  I haven't seen him for years and years and years. 


  11. 用not a single, not a bit, not simply, by no means 等短语来加强否定的语气。

  She's not in the least angry with me. 


  I can't speak a single word of Japanese. 


  She is by no means diligent. 


  比较:not a bit 一点也不(= not at all);not a little 非常(= very much)

  He was not a bit tired. 


  He was not a little tired. 


  12. 用none来表示强调。

  This is none of your business. 


  He is none of my friends. 



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