
快速掌握语法的12个小贴士 妈妈再也不用担心我的语法了!

2019-01-08 11:05




  1. Memorize 3 Fundamental Capitalization Rules


  The first word in a sentence. You should always capitalize the first word in a sentence regardless of what type of word it is.


  Proper nouns (names). These include the names of people, places, days and months, companies, etc. For example: Matthew, Helen, France, Tokyo, Mississippi, Saturday, January…


  Honorifics and titles, as well as their abbreviations. Mr., Mrs., Miss, Doctor (Dr.), President, Lord, etc.


  2. I and Me Aren’t Interchangeable


  I and me are’t interchangeable. They are used in different grammatical constructions. I is a pronoun that serves as a subject of a sentence. For example, Matthew and I went for a walk, both I and Matthew are subjects of the sentence while went is the verb. Me is a pronoun that serves as an object of a sentence. Me is needed when someone else is performing the action.

  I和 Me是不可互换的,它们用于不同的语法结构。I 是一个代词,是一个句子里的主语。例如:马修和我出去散步,这里I 和Matthew 都是句子里的主语,而went是一个谓语动词。Me是一个代词,作为句子里的宾语。当其他人需要执行某个动作时就需要使用me。

  To use the example above: Matthew took me for a walk. Matthew is the subject and me is the object in the sentence. Knowing your subjects and objects will help you use these types of pronouns flawlessly!


  3. Be Careful When Using Your and You’re


  This is probably the most common mistake on the internet today! Your and you’re sound absolutely the same, but they have very different meanings and uses.


  Your is a possessive determiner that attributes something to you:


  Your work is impressive!


  You’re is a contraction of you are:

  You’re 是you are的缩写。

  You’re a very successful writer. (You are a very successful writer.)


  Mistakes happen when possessive pronouns are confused with verb contractions, even among native English speakers. Often, you may see phrases like your wrong (instead of you’re wrong), you’re sister (instead of your sister), etc. These are grammatical errors. They’re easy to avoid. Don’t repeat them!

  物主代词和动词缩写混淆的错误经常出现,即使是本族语使用者也常犯这样的错误。通常情况下,你经常会看到your wrong(而不是you’re wrong),you’re sister(而不是your sister)等。这些都是语法错误,很容易避免,所以不要重复犯错!

  4. Be Careful When Using Their, They’re and There

  小心使用Their, They’re 和 There

  这是代词,缩写以及副词混淆的一个例子。Let’s analyze each of the words in question.下面让我们在具体的例子中分析每一个词。

  Their is a possessive determiner. When using their, you indicate that something belongs to them. For example, Their car has broken down.

  Their 是一个物主代词。当使用their的时候,你的意思就是某物是属于他们的。例如,他们的车坏了。

  They’re is a contraction of they are. For example, If they’re not coming, I’m leaving early. (If they are not coming, I’m leaving early.)

  They’re是 they are 的缩写。例如,如果他们不来,我就早点离开。(如果他们不来,我就早点离开。)

  There is an adverb indicating a location of something. For example, Your keys are over there, on the table.

  There 是一个副词,说明某物的地点。例如,你的钥匙在那,在书桌上。

  Once you understand the difference between these three words, you won’t make a mistake like their nice (instead of they’re nice) or there dog (instead of their dog) ever again!

  一旦你理解了这三个词之间的差别,你就不会犯类似的错误,例如,their nice(而不是they’re nice)或者there dog(而不是their dog)!


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