
王源第三首全英文单曲《Will You》正式发布

2018-10-30 15:29



  即将成年的王源通过《Will You》这首歌,这也是继《the wrong things》《Sleep》之后源歌手的第三首全英文单曲,希望向大家传达:虽然人生充满艰辛,疲倦的日常生活总是无法避免,但请大家不要放弃,怀抱勇气,勇往直前。


  Do you feel alone? Wanna hide away

  All your hopes and dreams, seem miles away

  Don't want the sun to rise and face the day

  Sounds of sobbing fills your room

  Am I fighting for nothing?

  Only chasing a broken dream?

  Let them say say what they want

  Don't give it up prove them all wrong

  I know you can make it through, believe in yourself

  When you feel you can't go on give it one last try

  You'll not be broken forever

  Will you trust me, will you try it

  Will you, will you?

  "Can't go on no more" that's what you said

  Don't you feel so down not even ashamed

  Need a place to cry?

  Lean on me

  Trust yourself just trust your voice within

  Am I fighting for nothing?

  Only chasing a broken dream?

  Let them say, say what they want

  Don't give it up prove them all wrong

  I know you can make it through, believe in yourself

  When you feel you can't go on give it one last try

  You'll not be broken forever

  Will you trust me, will you try it

  Will you, will you?

  Wind will blow and rain will pour down

  Insecurities can't eat you alive

  Remember this no one can judge you

  Soon there be a rainbow showing up

  I know you can make it through, believe in yourself

  When you feel you can't go on give it one last try

  You'll not be broken forever

  Will you trust me, will you try it

  Will you, will you?


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