

2018-08-07 17:44





  Miley Cyrus——《Adore You》

  快节奏的情歌听太多但对方却喜欢舒缓的歌曲?没问题,这首《Adore You》送给你们,看看歌词:“当你说爱我的时候,不,我更爱你。当你说需要我的时候,其实我更需要你。我爱慕着你啊,我爱慕着你啊。”这么腻歪的歌词还不够?你的眼神也好配合好啊,深情什么必不可少,仰慕的度也要把握好。只能帮到你们这了!


  Baby baby, are you listening?

  One dream, where you've been?

  I want my life, I just started living

  Baby, are you listening?

  When you say you love me

  No, I love you more

  And when you say you need me

  No, I need you more

  Boy I adore you

  I adore you

  Baby, are you human, when I'm crying out for you

  I'm scared, so scared

  But when you near me, I feel like I'm standing, waiting on me

  I mean, under weapon

  Hey, oh

  When you say you love me

  No, I love you more

  And when you say you need me

  No, I need you more

  Boy I adore you

  I adore you

  I love lying next to you

  I can do this for eternity

  You and me, we're meant to be in holy matrimony

  Got you exactly where he was doing when he lent me to you

  When you say you love me

  No, I love you more

  And when you say you need me

  No, I need you more

  Boy I adore you

  I adore you

  When you say you love me

  No, I love you more

  And when you say you need me

  No, I need you more

  Boy I adore you


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