
中国高中女生在美国为500教师生演讲佛法 老师感动落泪

2018-05-17 09:20



  The ultimate goal is to get rid of the separation between us and thewhole. And to do that, Buddhism divides the cultivation of this life style into three steps: Discipline, Meditation, and Wisdom. Our hearts are like candles, swaying in the breeze of desire. Discipline is like adding a glass jar around the candle, separating the breeze so it no longer affects the candle light. Meditation is the process the flame takes to stop swaying. And Wisdom is the growing light as the flame comes to stillness.


  I’ve been going to boarding schools since I was seven. Once after a stressful week, I went home with a grumpy look. Noticing my anxiousness, my dad asked me to take a walk with him. Along the narrow path were numerous streetlights; some were luminous and some were dusky. He pointed at one tha twas covered in dust and asked me, “Remember your happiest moments? Right now your brightness is covered by the dust of doubts and fears just like this streetlight. But the light is in you, you just need clear the dust off.” I realized that any situation is controllable with the right attitude.


  That led to my Emotional Flow Chart. The X-axisindicates the date of the week. The Y-axis has a scale of 1-5, one meaning extreme negative emotion and five meaning extreme positive emotion.



  In the beginning, the lines are shaky like astock market graph. I noticed that I might have a day of 1 right after a day of5. But as I pay more attention to my feelings, the lines start to get flatter,and tend to settle at 3 and 4. I’m not saying that I’m totally incontrol of my emotion now, but this chart has definitely helped me to be more aware of myself, and thus remain more logical when facing any situation.


  An easier way to make yourself more aware of your emotional flow without this chart, is talking to yourself. When you’re lying in bed ready to go to sleep, instead of grabbing your phone, consider taking that half an hour, or even just five minutes, to have a conversation with yourself. Ask yourself, “How are you?” and let your subconscious talk to you.


  Let’s try this. Please close your eyes, and go through everything that happened to you yesterday. How was your day? Where would you mark your day on a scale of 1-5? Obviously the fluctuations of a day’s emotion will be like a heart beat. But try to average out thehighs and lows and mark your dot. Did something or someone make you really happy? Did you make someone else’s day better? Was there a time when you could have been more kind? Or was there a time you lost control? And what caused your emotional flows? What do you want your day to be like today? I hope this mini meditation helps you recollect yourself on the anxious last day of school before break.


  Now I’ll leave you with a formula–1 *(past) + 2* (now) = variable (future)You could not change your past circumstances, but by adjusting your present mindset, you have the capacity to dramatically alter your future.

  后我想给你们一个公式——1*(过去)+ 2*(现在)= 未知(未来)你无法改变过去已经发生的事,但如果你能调整好你当下的状态,你就能收获一个意想不到的未来。

  Audience reaction


  Ms. C (Religion teacher): Wen, you nailed it! Your speech—the delivery, the message was flawless. Several teachers mentioned to me how fine they thought your speech and poised presentation was! I noticed it was super quiet in the theatre—that kind of quiet when people are really paying attention. You’re helping turn the wheel of dharma in Dobbs!

  宗教老师Ms. C:太成功了!你的演讲及讲稿非常完美。好几位老师和我提到你的演讲有多泰然自若。我意识到你演讲的时候全场非常安静——那种全神贯注的安静。你为这个小镇转起了法轮!

  Ms. R (Advisor): (tears streaming down her face) Wen, I just want to thank you for your speech. It reminded meth at the singing bowl in my house hasn’t chanted in so long. I’ll pick it up again. Thank you! You’re so special. Please tell your dad thanks for his wonderful work too.

  Ms. R(顾问老师, 在我下台后拉住我,潸然落泪):我想感谢你的演讲。你让我想起我家里的磬好久没被奏响过了。我会重新开始做早课的。谢谢你!你是如此特别。也请转告你父亲,感谢他的著作。

  Mr. W (Administrator): Thank you for sharing! Please let me know when you have actually translated your dad’s book! I’ll definitely go buy it. Both my wife and I are pretty into Buddhism. My wife is actually going to a --- conference on Buddhism this weekend. Can you send me a copy of your speech? I want to share it with her.

  校行政官Mr. W:感谢你的分享!如果你翻译好了你父亲的书请一定告诉我!我一定会去买的。我和我的妻子都很喜欢佛教思想。我的妻子这周末正准备去参加一个佛教峰会。你能给我发一份你的讲稿吗?我想与她分享。

  Several students I don’t know: Thank you for sharing! Great Speech! Among all Matters of Spirit speeches, your speech was the one that I actually stayed awake for.

  我的朋友包括几个我不认识的同学在我演讲后感谢我的分享,他们说:“可能是每周Matters of Spirit系列主题演讲中我唯一全程醒着的一次演讲。”

  Student friend: That was amazing. I wish I had recorded it so I could see it again. But probably everyone was so transfixed that no one recorded anything... So proud of you!


  Ms. N (Dean of Students): Thanks for sharing! You’ve definitely helped me to “clean the dustoff” of my mind. It’s very inspiring.

  学生主任Ms. N:感谢分享!你帮助我“清除了心灯上的尘埃”。对我非常有启发的演讲!

  Mr. N (Language teacher): I really like your speech! Is that your dad’s book? I love it. I love reading spiritual book, and I don’t know when this book will come out in English, but I really want to read it! Please do your best to translate it!

  语言老师Mr. N:我非常喜欢你的演讲!这就是你父亲的书吗?我太喜欢了。我喜欢读精神教导方面的书。不知道这本书的英文版什么时候会出,但是我非常想读!请你一定好好翻译!也请转告你父亲感谢他的著作。

  Mr. B (History teacher, formerlawyer) emailed me: I just wanted to take a moment to say how thoughtful your speech was this morning. I always enjoy learning something new or gaining new insight. I look forward to sharing some of what I learned with my daughter, whom I think will really appreciate it. And I look forward to buying your father’s book when you translate it into English. Send me the Amazon link whenit’s on the market!

  历史老师Mr. B(曾是律师)给我发邮件:“我想感谢你今早那令人深思的演说。我一向喜欢学习新知识或是找到一种新的见解。我准备今晚将我从你的演讲里学到的东西分享给我的女儿(他的女儿正在就读大学),她一定会非常感激你的。等你翻译完你父亲的书请一定给我发一个亚马逊链接,我期待着买到这本书的时刻!”

  Ms. G (English teacher) emailedme: I wanted to tell you how much I loved your presentation on Buddhism this morning. I found it very inspiring!

  英语老师Ms. G给我发邮件道:“我想告诉你我多爱你早上关于佛教的演讲。非常令我深思!

  Dr. D (Class Dean of Seniors,Science teacher) emailed me: I just wanted to express my gratitude for sharing your Matters of Spirit talk this morning. Your thoughtful and mindful approach to your days is an example we all can learn from.

  十二年级年级组主任Dr. D给我发邮件道:“我想告诉你我非常感谢你今早Matters of Spirit的演讲。你讲到的那种警醒、自知的生活方式是我们每个人都该学习的。”


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