

2018-03-05 17:25



  开学恐惧症, 英文中叫 School phobia,似乎每个人在学生时代都会体验这种心理状态。尤其是寒假之后的新学期,同时面临着分离焦虑(separation anxiety),面对家长、老师的超高期待,对未来的不安,渴望成功但又担心失败的心理等等(the mentality of longing for success while worrying about failure都会压得你喘不过气来。


  1. 制定目标-SET GOALS

  Setting goals is one of the top ways to start the semester off right. How can you accomplish anything without a plan? What GPA do you want to earn? Are there any clubs you want to join? Do you want to make new friends? These are some of the questions you should ask yourself before the semester starts. That way, as soon as you return, you can start working hard on accomplishing these goals



  Make sure you know when your exams are and when you have papers due. This is a great way to start the semester off right. You can take one look at your calendar and know when everything is due and when you have free time. Without a well-put together calendar, you will never be able to manage all of your assignments and extracurricular activities.



  Your syllabus reveals not only what the important dates are, but also what you will be learning and what your professor expects of you. Reading the syllabus is one of the firsts things you should do for any class. All of your questions about a class can most likely be answered by reading your syllabus.



  It may seem so easy to skip class during the first few days of the semester because you think you won’t be learning any new material, but it is super important that you make it to these classes. The first few days of class are when you learn about what to expect for the semester and get to know the teacher. Professors take note of who makes it to the first classes and it is a bad first impression if you skip.


  5. 坚持自己的时间规划 STICK TO A SCHEDULE

  Make sure that you plan out your schedule for the semester and that you stick to it. Try to wake up at similar times each day and go to bed around the same time. Know when you have weekly meetings and when you can schedule in study time at the library. If you make these things daily habits, it will get you back into the swing of things in no time.


  6. 留一些时间来放松自己 LEAVE TIME TO RELAX

  Don’t overwhelm yourself in the first few weeks of the semester. Make sure you ease into the new semester and take baby steps into putting on the workload. Go out to lunch with some friends you missed over break or just take a stroll around campus. Whatever you need to do to have some time for you.


  7. 锻炼身体 EXERCISE

  After having a break of doing nothing, it may seem hard to get back into the swing of working out, but it is super important if you want to start the semester off right. It will not only keep you in shape, it will give you an energy boost and put you in an overall better mood.


  8. 保持健康 STAY HEALTHY

  But the health kick doesn’t end with hitting the gym. Eating right and staying healthy will keep you ready to start off the semester with a bang. It would be a horrible way to start off the semester if you were sick and didn’t want to leave your bed. This should go without saying, but drink 8 glasses of water a day, get a good night's rest, and make sure you are doing everything you can to stay in peak health condition to take on the new semester

  健康可不是去健身房就能解决的。保持合理的饮食,保证身体健康会让你“duang duang”的开始新学习。一旦你生了病,开学简直是太闹心了。每天喝八杯水,晚上睡好觉,尽量做好你能做的一切来保持健康,应对新学期。

  9. 乐观起来! BE OPTIMISTIC

  Each start of a new semester is a fresh beginning for you. You can make the changes in your life and become the person you want to be. Don’t look at the new semester as something to avoid. Embrace it as something exciting to look forward to.



  制定目标 Set goals

  完成 accomplish

  绩点 GPA

  分离焦虑 separation anxiety

  开学恐惧症 school Phobia

  课外活动 extracurricular activities

  课程表 syllabus

  翘课 skip class

  进入状态 get into swing of things

  压垮 overwhelm

  循序渐进 take baby steps

  去健身房锻炼 hit the gym



  • 听力
  • 口语
  • 阅读
  • 娱乐
  • 词汇
  • 写作


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