

2017-10-23 14:53



  The phoenix


  Unicorns, dragons and centaurs feature heavily in the world of Harry Potter, and while JK Rowling didn’t invent these magical beasts herself, she certainly gave age-old myths a new lease of life. She re-imagines the phoenix, a bird from Greek mythology, in her second Potter book, The Chamber of Secrets. It’s a swan-sized scarlet bird with a gold beak and talons, who endearingly looks a bit like a half-plucked Christmas turkey when it gets near its ’Burning Day’ – the day the bird extinguishes and is reborn as a new, baby phoenix from its ashes.


  What JK Rowling does invent is the idea that phoenix feathers can feature as constituent parts of a wizard’s wand, such as those of Harry and Lord Voldemort. A phoenix’s tears can also heal wounds, as Fawkes, Professor Dumbledore’s bird, does to Harry after he’s wounded by the Basilisk in the second book.


  Bezoar stone


  In his first-year Potions class, Harry learns an important lesson about the humble bezoar from Professor Snape: “a bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons.” It does indeed save one Harry Potter character – Ronald Weasley.


  The word ‘bezoar’ comes from the Persian pād-zahr, meaning antidote. Bezoars are indigestible food masses generally found in the stomach of animals like goats and were believed to be antidotes to poison as early as the Moorish occupation of Spain. The gold around this bezoar proves how much the object must have been revered.


  A mandrake


  Harry and his friends first meet mandrakes in their second year Herbology class. The root is harvested for its ability to return victims of petrification – a Dark paralysis spell – to their normal state. But these aren’t just any old roots; they’re sentient little creatures whose screams become fatal when they reach adulthood. That’s why young wizards learn to pick mandrakes when they’re still seedlings.


  The crystal ball


  Harry Potter was never a huge fan of crystal balls – he meets them as a third year student in his Divination class, taken by eccentric teacher Professor Sybill Trelawney. In this lesson, young wizards learn how to predict the future, but all Harry and Ron can see is a foggy white swirl. Harry fails again in The Order of the Phoenix to predict anything in his Divination OWL (wizarding SATs).




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