2017-07-04 15:56
A: It is a pity to some extent. I have learned much in this hospital. But I would like to try a different kind of life. I prefer to be on the ball. By the way, could you tell me something about insurance and things like that?
I: Every incumbent in our company enjoys life insurance, unemployment insurance and a decent pension after serving for 20 year here. Our employees also enjoy free medical service.
A: I see.
I: Do you mind going on business trip?
A: Definitely not. I enjoy traveling.
I: Well, the next thing I must do is to take up your reference.
A: Take up my references?
I: Yes, it's a rule of the firm. What I mean is this: we always ask your present employer for a report on your work.
A: Do all firm do that?
l: Oh, yes, it's normal business practice. Now I see from your application form that Mr. He is your present leader.
A: Yes, he is.
I: Then I'll ask him to give you a reference. I'll write to you within a day or two.
A: I shall look forward to hearing from you. Good-bye.
I: Good-bye.
Notes 注释
l. Have your seat, please.
2. medical representative
3. I have prepared for that.
4. It's a pity to some extent.
5. But I would like to try a different kind of life. I prefer to be on the ball.
6. Insurance and things like that?
7. Every incumbent in our company enjoys life insurance, unemployment insurance and a decent pension after serving for 20 year here.
8. Take up my references?
9. Yes, it's a rule of the firm.
10. What I mean is this....
11. Oh, yes, it's a normal business practice.
12. Then I'll ask him to give you a reference.
13. Could I get the position...
这句为例装结构,等于if I could get the position……
Words and Expressions
representative n. 代表,代理人
pharmaceutical a.医药的
corporation n.法人,股份有限公司
paediatrician n. 儿科医生
OPD: Out Patient Department 门诊部
antipyretic n.退烧药,解热剂
prescribe 开处方
syrup n. 糖浆 开处方
promote V. 促进,提高
prefer 宁愿
insurance n.保险
antibiotic n.抗菌素,抗生素
side-effect n. 副作用
pharmacology n. 药理学,药物学
dosage n. 剂量,用量
incumbent n. 任职者
Pension n.年金,养老金