
Burberry香水广告完英文歌:Rose by The Feeling

2015-11-16 15:41



  The Feeling来自英国伦敦,由5名成员组成。Dan Gillespie Sells主唱和吉他,Richard Jones 贝斯,Kevin Jeremiah吉他,Ciaran Jeremiah 键盘,Paul Stewart鼓。风格受到The Beatles, Supertramp, Queen,ELO, 10cc, Beach boys, Carpenters , Jelly Fish, ABBA的艺人影响。2005年底,英国国家广播公司BBC邀集超过百位乐评与媒体工作者票选2006年乐坛的潜力新声“Sound of 2006”,The Feeling/感觉乐团在众多竞争对手中脱颖而出、拿下季军席次,尚未正式出道已率先赢得娱乐界专业人士的背书肯定!英国女演员兼模特儿Rosie Huntington-Whiteley,是BURBERRY BODY的第一位代言人。Rosie犹如一朵漂亮而感性的英国玫瑰,完美地展示出BURBERRY的精神,是品牌灵魂的完美化身。她的身上完美地体现出感性、自信与谦逊的平衡。BURBERRY就像Rosie的一部份,她亦很自然地成为了BURBRRY BODY首位形象代言人。

  Rose by The Feeling

  Rose by The Feeling 英文歌曲:

  You and your friends and boxes of ten

  Cool to the touch, you warm me so much

  The white to your left and the red to your right were all that I'd seen

  'Til I realized the love that I seek lies right in between

  Rose, I love you especially today

  Rose, I love your delicate way

  The chill in my veins, relieves me from pain again and again

  I lose all control, your taking your toll, I'm no longer sane

  But don't be afraid, the love that I show is the love that you've made

  So don't be afraid 'cause your in control, I'm just your slave

  Rose, I love you especially today

  Rose, I love your delicate way

  Don't let him put you down, I won't let him put you down

  'Cause your as good as the rest and you're much better dressed

  I think pink is my color, I won't drink from no other, never

  Oh, I love you especially today, especially this way

  Oh, Rose, I want you, believe me this way

  Oh, Rose, I love your delicate way, ooh

  更多精彩内容 >> 新东方网英语频道 




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