

2015-11-11 13:52



  A: I am an eloquent speaker in the classroom. But when I face a stranger outside, I get tongue-tied and nothing comes out.

  A:我在课堂里能言善辩。可是我面对陌生 人时便瞠目结舌,什么也说不出。

  B: You should pay close attention to your manner of speaking. Speech is a reflection of personality, you know. You should reflect confidence by speaking in a low voice, loud enough to be heard without being aggressive or overpowering.

  B:你应该特别注意你的谈话方式。讲话是 一个人个性的体现。你说话的声音应该 高低合适,让面试官听得清楚,又不专横 跋扈。

  A: I will go out of my way to catch the attention of the interviewer.


  B: Your speech should not call attention to itself, but should reveal your individuality and ability.

  B:你不应该仅仅让面试官注意你的谈话, 你更应当通过谈话展示出你的个性与能


  A: I’m very shy. I think I might shake in my boots at the moment 丨 meet the interviewer.

  A:我很害羞,我恐怕见到面试官时吓得浑 身发抖。

  B: You’d better overcome your nervousness. it is considered an indication that you lack self-confidence.

  B:你最好要克服紧张情绪,这是缺乏自信 心的表现。

  A: Another problem is that I dare not look into their eyes whenever I meet strangers, especially foreigners.

  A:我见到生人时不敢正视他们的眼睛,尤 其是见到外国人时。

  B: In China, it is impolite to look into the senior speakers eyes while speaking. But in Western countries it is the opposite. Eye contact gives a strong feeling of sincerity. Looking downwards or sideways shows that you are either insincere or absent-minded.

  B:在中国,年轻人说话时看着长者是很不 礼貌的。但在西方国家,正视对方的目 光是一种礼节。“目光接触”会给人留下 真诚、坦率的强烈印象。而目光低垂或 朝旁边看,则说明你不真诚或不专心。

  A: Is there anything else that I should pay attention to in an interview?


  B: Yes. Don’t eat onions or garlic before you come. If you do you’ll have bad breath.

  B:是的,来之前不要吃洋葱和大蒜之类的 东西。不然的话口中会有异味。

  A: I’ll remember to bring gum with me.


  B: You should never chew gum or smoke during an interview, even if you are 由-lowed to do so.

  B:面试中不要嚼口香糖或抽烟。即便获得 允许,也不要这样做。

  A: I remember now. Your advice is very helpful.


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