

2015-10-29 11:29



  If an interviewer asks you if you’re willing to relocate, you canassume one of two things: (1) Being open to relocation is apreference for them, if not an outright requirement, so if yousay ‘no’, you probably won’t get the job; or (2) they really likeyou and they’re already thinking of your promotion potentialdown the road…which is good news for you, but only if you’rewilling to relocate.


  In both cases, the answer they want to hear is “Yes.” If you can say “yes” with enthusiasm, thenmore power to you.


  However, it’s entirely possible that you’re not willing to commit yourself to such a major lifechange yet…I mean, you don’t even have the offer!


  So if you’d rather avoid that question for now, what can you do?


  The standard answer most people think of is, “I would consider relocating for the rightopportunity.” But that’s kind of a weenie answer that’s not going to earn you many pointsbecause that translates to: “If you throw enough money at me, I’ll think about it.” It doesn’tmake the interviewer believe that you’re enthusiastic about this job or about his company.

  大多数人想到的普通答案是,“我会在合适的时机下考虑搬家。” 但是这是个挺窝囊的回答,而且也不会给你加分多少,因为这个回答的言外之意是:“如果你能给我足够多的钱,我会考虑看看。” 这样一来,面试官可不会认为你对这份工作或者他的公司有着极大的热情。

  A more sincere sounding answer that still doesn’t commit you might sound more like, “I am veryinterested in advancing my career, and if relocating is a part of that, I would certainly consider it.”


  You’ve basically said the same thing, but nicer.


  Or maybe you want to avoid it even more: “To me, where I live is really a secondary concern. Mycareer path is important to me, and I’ve been very impressed with what I’ve learned about thiscompany and believe that this position in particular is a great fit for my skills in X, Y, and Z. Do youagree?”


  Now see what you did: You avoided the question, brought the conversation back around to yourskills and selling yourself, and asked him a question that hopefully sets him on a new train ofthought.


  If you absolutely can’t relocate, you have to be honest about that, but try not to just say “No.”You don’t know what the future holds, and your life might look very different in a year for athousand reasons. So say, “I’d rather not relocate right now, but that could easily change in thefuture. Who knows what circumstances may bring tomorrow or a year from now?”


  In all of these cases, these answers make you look more sincere than if you had given thestandard answer about the “right opportunity.” They keep you from making a strongcommitment while still making you appear flexible—which is always going to be a plus with yourfuture employer.


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