

2015-10-14 14:21



  The duck mother, who is anxious and energetic, is begging the monkey teacher to teach her children the approach of climbing tree, which give him a fright. Conspicuously, that is a deliciousironicdepiction concerning blind education,a phenomenon pervasive in contemporary society.This overwhelming, occupy with various kinds of irrational behaviors over children, ledus to conclude that the blind education is more of a devastation to children’s faculties than a reasonable practice. This kind of aimless education kids exposed to tend to be in domestic situation, by, unfortunately, their own parents, who exert great pressure on children’s already over-burdened small shoulder. More ridiculously, many parents know that countless flaws are consist in this way of education and yet most did litter to change it. There are upsetting parallels today, as parents one wave after another force their little kids participate in various kinds of out-class courses, as a result, their vulnerable heart become occupied with depression and anxious.The clear message is that we should get moving to protect our children. Firstly,suitable atmosphere must be created, where our kid can grow freely in harmonious, by us, especially the parents. Moreover, the authorities should charge with the obligation of fashioning the idea that education entails more than simply teach children numerous disciplines. Rather, making full display of children’s advantage and timely adjustment is of substantial weight. Only by doing this, can we weather this crisis.



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