2015-08-25 11:28
8.GPS tracking devices
GPS tracking is the newest thing in child safety. Since they’re not asexpensive anymore, they are used by many parents. They want to be sure weretheir child is and that it is safe at all times. Simply fasten the smalltracker on your child’s jacket or backpack, and whenever you want to you cantune in and check that your child is not skipping school, or something moresinister is happening.
9.home surveillance equipment
With today’s technical advances, home surveillance is not only formansions anymore. Cameras have become much cheaper, and installation is notdifficult. Even us people with “normal”homes can afford a high securitystandard.
This is a great way of knowing everything that’s going on in andaround your home, whether anything sinister is going on or not. And criminalsare sure to be intimidated by visible cameras!
10.video intercom system
Do you live alone or you simply don’t want you or your children toopen the door to anyone unknown? Then a video intercom system is for you.You’ll be able to identify anyone who rings at your door at a glance!
There are so many scammers and burglars around who trick people byringing at their door and trying to get them to open their homes. This canhappen to everyone, so a video intercom system will put one more layer ofsecurity between you and the scammers.
11.child locator
Child locators are the newest trend to keep track of your kids, mostof all in crowded places. Have you ever been on vacation in Disneyland andtried to keep track of one of more excited little ones.
This little gadget has two parts-one that you fasten for example toyour kid’s shoe, and another one you keep. When you activate yours, the oneyour child is wearing will produce a sound that you’re able to hear even atsome distance.
12.magnetic door alarm
Magnetic door alarms can be ideal for someone who doesn’t want toinstall an entire alarm system, or for someone who wants to go the extra mile.
They are extremely easy to install, one half on the door jamb and theother half on the door itself. When it’s activated and someone opens the door,it produces a sound that is so loud that you want to crawl under the nexttable. It’s guaranteed to deter anyone from coming in who’s not supposed to!
13.baby monitor with wireless night vision camera
All parents are used to the kind of nagging worry you feel when youand your baby aren’t in the same place. Of course there are baby monitors totell you when your little one is crying and needs your attention. This new kindof monitor lets you see your baby as well, even with the lights off. You canmake sure that everything is as it should be, or simply watch it sleep.
Tasers can save your life. They will incapacitate any assailantwithout actually harming them in the long run. You and your family will feelsafe and secure even if you’re out after dark.
In most states, you’re able to carry a taser without needingpermission. They can be a great alternative if you don’t want to have firearmsin the house.
15.parental controls
Parental controls seem like such an easy thing. Parents use it most ofthe time so that their child won’t stumble upon inappropriate content on thenet,or to limit their computer time.
What many don’t think about is that through blocking these sites andforums, you can also protect your children from internet predators who pose aschildren and try to lure your child in.
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