
面试英语:面试结束前 求职者必问4大问题

2015-04-27 10:11



  "I am always surprised how some interviewees tend to trail off towards the end of an interview instead of finishing strong and leaving a lasting impression," says Zachary Rose, CEO and founder of Green Education Services, a green jobs training firm in New York City. Whether you're a senior preparing for campus recruiting or a recent graduate still hunting for a job, here are the top questions experts recommend asking at the end of a job interview to leave a great final impression on hiring managers and establish yourself as a top candidate.“

  在面试结束前的最后几分钟,很多求职者的表现平平,不能给人留下深刻的印象,这让我很意外。”纽约职场新人培训公司的创始人兼CEO扎卡里·罗斯这样说 。不论参加校园招聘还是社会招聘,都可以按照专家的建议,在面试结束前问几个问题,借此加深给面试官留下的印象。

  "Is There Any Reason Why You Wouldn't Hire Me?"


  Kelsey Meyer, senior vice president of Digital Talent Agents in Columbia, Mo., says, "A recent candidate asked, 'If you were to not offer the job to me, what would be the reason?' This was extremely straightforward and a little blunt, but it allowed me to communicate any hesitations I had about the candidate before he left the interview, and he could address them right there."


  "This one question is something I would suggest every single candidate ask," adds Meyer. It lets you know where you stand and if you need to clarify anything for the interviewer. "If you have the guts to ask it, I don't think you'll regret it," she says.


  Rachel Dotson, content manager for ZipRecruiter.com, says, "All too often you hear about candidates leaving an interview and thinking they aced it, only to get a swift rejection email soon after. Take the time while you're face-to-face to ask about and dispel any doubts that the hiring manager has." Make sure a key asset of yours hasn't been overlooked.


  "As an Employee, How Could I Exceed Your Expectations?"



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