

2015-01-13 14:30



  121.nuture it and make it shine: 培养它

  122.get over oneself: 别自以为是

  123.call it off:取消

  124.get braces off: 把牙套去掉

  125.my hubris and my pride: 我的自以为是和骄傲

  126.a little carried away: 有点过分

  127.you pick up on that: 你看穿了

  128.hit it off: 合得来

  129.be behind on one's bill: 手头紧

  130.move a conversation forward: 推进谈话

  131.get off my case: 别管我

  132.It's my treat: 我请客

  133.takeout food: 外带

  134.sit-ups: 仰卧起坐

  135.The die has been cast: 木已成舟

  136.bring it on yourself: 自找

  137.lay the following conundrum at your feet: 自找困难

  138.conversation opener: 开场白

  139.slide over one: 坐座位向旁边移一个

  140.tell on sb: 打小报告(Leonard向Sheldon他妈)

  141.that is big of you: 气量大(Penny形容Sheldon)

  142.well played: 够狠(Sheldon 和PeNNY 斗那集)

  143.psydo-reality: 仿真秀

  144.put it on the agenda: 放在行程中

  145.put it on mute: 放静音

  146.take a stand: 明确立场

  147.rever sb: 崇拜某人(Sheldon的女学生)

  148.You are so witty: 你真狡猾

  149.it tickles: 痒痒

  150.doze off: 打瞌睡

  151.I'M On a roll: 人气高

  152.hassle with: 与...斗争

  153.my door is open: 我随时欢迎你

  154.weep for: 流泪

  155.second-rate mind/lesser mind/mediocro mind: 智商一般的(Sheldon 说烂了都)

  156.I'm close to a breadthrough: 我差点就破记录了

  157.lower a bar: 降低标准

  158.flaunt one's success: 炫耀某人的成功

  159.close-up: 特写

  160.be rife with: 充满了

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