

2015-01-13 14:28



  41.shack up with sb: 与某人同居

  42.first come, first serve: 先到先得

  43.take the pressure off: 卸下压力

  44.fix on the trivial: 为小事纠结(Leonard 形容Sheldon)

  45.in a moment filled with biblical resonance: 醍醐灌顶

  46.self-criticism and repentance: 自我批评和后悔

  47.catch a break: 休息一下

  48.buoy my spirit: 振奋精神

  49.lessen your discomfort: 减轻你的不适

  50.ground-breaking strikes: 极大的打击

  51.career trajectory has taken a minor detour: 职业道路有点偏差

  52.with a docterate: 获得博士学位(eg. Haward is the only men who does not possess a doctrate.)

  53.be a godsend: 及时雨

  54.I am engineered: 我是试管婴儿

  55.one's life revolve around: 某人的生活以...为中心

  56.be wiped clean: 一干二净了

  57.beneath the exterior,there are cracks: 在貌似完好的外表下充满了危机

  58.cool off: 冷静下来

  59.Mull over: 考虑

  60.go off on the wrong foot: 有些误解

  61.I'm in no position to do: 我没有打算去做...

  62.I don't possess the tool of leadership: 我不擅长领导

  63.pipe dream: 白日梦

  64.deploy out on a mission: 为一个任务差遣

  65.old prank: 常用的笑话 - fall for one of sheldon's old pranks

  66.hover over my head: 在我脑袋中盘旋

  67.telephone is unlisted:没有存电话

  68.sullen teenage daughter: 沉闷的处于青春期的女儿

  69.I'm on fire: 我状态超好

  70.be within earshot: 还在听力范围之内

  71.bonus question: 附加题

  72.propose an enormous undertaking: 费了很大精力

  73.I'm not good with cold: 我怕冷

  74.descend into anarchy: 衰退至无政府状态

  75.mind-blowing: 引起幻觉的,兴奋的

  76.zip your hole: 把嘴闭上

  77.make small talk: 闲聊

  78.get me wrong: 误解我

  79.get your mind off this: 别再想这个了

  80.What do you say:你觉得呢?

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